Comunicado en apoyo a nuestro estudiante Patrick Zaki

Mar, 15/03/2022 - 09:05
Patio con estatua en el centro y seto y árboles del Hospital Real

Following a proposal by the Rector Francesco Ubertini and by mutual agreement of the board of governors, the directors of Departrments, the Campus Presidents, the Administrative and Technical Staff Council and the Student Council, the Academic Senate, at the special session of February 12, 2020, passed the following motion regarding the arrest of Patrick Zaky, a young student enrolled in the "GEMMA" Master at the University of Bologna:

"As members of the scientific and academic community of the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, we were and still are deeply touched and upset by the recent news of Patrick Zaky's arrest, as he is a member of our community and a student of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts "GEMMA" in Women's and Gender Studies. We hereby urge representatives of our Government and of the European Union, who have already taken prompt action, to keep monitor ing this matter with close attention so that Patrick Zaky's fundamental rights are safeguarded from any violation. With the high values characterizing our academic community at every level, such as freedom of thought, the centrality of critical thinking, and social responsibility and commitment, we adamantly reaffirm the importance of protecting human and political rights and, more specifically, the right to individual freedom and to the freedom of speech, everywhere and by any means. We are deeply committed to Patrick Zaky's safe and quick return to Bologna, so that he can resume attending his classes. Until then, it is our duty to make sure that the Italian Government and the European Union continue to do their utmost for ensuring Patrick's return to our community".

Bologna, February 12 2020