Activities 2024-2025

September 2024

Induction Days

On September 23rd, 24th, and 25th, the Assembly Hall of the Scientific Documentation Center hosted the GEMMA student welcome sessions. During the first two days, the teaching team welcomed students from the 18th edition, who were beginning their first year, and those from the 17th edition, who were starting their mobility year in Granada. Additionally, the program and research lines were presented. Most of the courses were presented by the instructors themselves. The session on the 25th was divided into two micro-sessions: one for first-year students and another for second-year students. These were led by Omayra Herrero, Technical Coordinator of the GEMMA Consortium, and Samuel Rubio, Technical Coordinator of GEMMA Granada. In this session, doubts regarding administrative aspects were clarified.

GEMMA Induction Days LeaftetGEMMA Students 2024-2025 academic year

Seminar: "Teaching as Care Work: State and Transfer Policies for Childcare in Spain"

Tabisa Verdejo Valenzuela

Tabisa Arlet Verdejo Valenzuela, from the University of Playa Ancha, Chile, and the University of Málaga, specializes in the feminization of education and care culture. In the seminar held on September 27th, the focus was on childcare in the Spanish context, analyzing the role of the state and related transfer policies.