Dr. Dresda Emma Méndez de la Brena is awarded with the best PhD Thesis on Equality

Fri, 02/10/2023 - 11:20
Rosa Medina showing Dresda's diploma
Rosa Medina showing Dresda's diploma

We are delighted to announce to the GEMMA community that our former student Dresda Emma Méndez De La Brena has been awarded with the Best PhD in Equality Matters for her PhD titled “Corpomaterialidades del dolor. Análisis de experiencias de mujeres con fibromialgia”. The PhD has been supervised by Dr. Rosa Medina Domenech, who has collected the award for her. Dresda’s PhD has been published by Kaótica Libros under the title of “Estados mórbidos. Desgaste corporal en la vida contemporánea” (2022).

Dresda has obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Concordia, where she is currently carrying out her research in the Department of Comunicaton Studies and “working to understand ableism as a system of opression that affects not only people with or without dissabilities, but also as a system that has to do with the way we think and establish relationship with other-than-human lives”

Congrats and well done, Dresda!