GEMMA is an interdisciplinary programme that provides high quality academic education and professional skills for people who are working or intend to work in the areas of Women's Studies, Gender Studies and Equal Opportunities across Europe and beyond. The main objective of GEMMA is to train experts in gender equality, taking into account the intersections of ethnicity, class and sexuality and contributing to the construction of a caring and responsible citizenship. GEMMA brings together the teaching and research work in Women's and Gender Studies in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences of the participating universities and leading to a programme that provides a wide range of options, taught by lecturers of great prestige in the aforementioned fields in each of the institutions and centers. Students and lecturers are granted the possibility of enrolling in immersion courses, summer activities and internships in many of the associated institutions.
Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies
GEMMA is the first and only Erasmus Mundus master in Women's and Gender Studies in Europe. For four consecutive times (2006, 2011, 2017 and 2019), this excellence programme has been endorsed by the European Commission and has been selected among 150 annual proposals. During the last fourteen years, GEMMA has granted over 300 scholarships thanks to the co-financing of the European Commission which at the same time has aided the incorporation of almost 900 people from all over the world to the master's degree. GEMMA has been internationally acknowledged as “the referent for masters in Women's and Gender Studies at European level”, description provided by the Commission. For four consecutive years, the rankins of the Spanish national press has placed GEMMA as the best master's degree in Women's and Gender Studies in Spain. In 2019, the master GEMMA was selected by the European Commission as one of the 10 co-financed programmes with greater impact and contribution to women’s empowerment.
GEMMA started in 2006 after a long process in which we aimed to echo and bring together Women's and Gender Studies with the participation of seven universities from Europe: University of Granada (Spain, coordinator), University of Bologna (Italy), Central European University (Vienna, Austria), University of York (United Kingdom), University of Lódź (Poland), University of Oviedo (Spain) and University of Utrecht (The Netherlands). All of these universities offer Women's and Gender Studies in their main postgraduate programmes’ curricula.
Among the most outstanding achievements of GEMMA’s Erasmus Mundus Master and Consortium are the creation and consolidation of the Life Long Learning EDGES Project: Joint European PhD programme in Women’s and Gender Studies, aimed at designing a prototype for a joint European Doctorate model in Women's and Gender Studies, financed by the European Commission. In 2015, we obtained a European project within the competitive research program of the European Commission Horizon 2020, "Marie Sklodowska-Curie" Actions (MSCA): “GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe” (Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe). Also, in 2019, we obtained another MSCA proyect called "EUTERPE: European Literatures and Gender in Transnational Perspective". In addition, some of the results of such projects were published in prestigious publishing houses such as Routledge or Peterlang, as is the case of the first two volumes of the Researching with GEMMA collection: Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences (vol. I) and Etnografía y Feminismos. Restituyendo saberes y prácticas de investigación (vol. II) which have been published by Peterlang.
GEMMA has the added value of including student mobility. The mobility can be chosen among the seven participating universities, offering the unique opportunity to obtain two master's degrees issued by the two universities where the studies are carried out. GEMMA degree is recognized as an official master in the seven prestigious European universities that make up its Consortium. The languages used in the universities of the consortium are Spanish, English and Italian.
Updated 03/07/2024