GEMMA has been selected as ERASMUS MUNDUS master by the European Commission
GEMMA has been selected as ERASMUS MUNDUS master by the European Commission for the fourth time since 2006.
GEMMA has been selected as ERASMUS MUNDUS master by the European Commission for the fourth time since 2006.
For the fourth time in a row, the GEMMA Master has been selected as the best master in its category ("Family and integration") in the ranking published by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo.
The GEMMA Consortium energetically condemns the overt attacks against Gender Studies Programs in Hungary. We share CEU's astonishment concerning to discontinue MA degree gender studies education in Hungary, without any justification or antecedent.
El Consorcio GEMMA y la comunidad GEMMA en Oviedo lamenta tener que comunicar la pérdida de Clara Tovar Casado, estudiante GEMMA en Oviedo el año pasado. Clara tendría que haber hecho su movilidad durante este año, pero, debido a inesperados problemas de salud, se vio obligada a posponer su segundo año para someterse a una operación y a tratamiento médico. La triste noticia nos ha impactado ya que recientemente Clara se mostraba optimista por su recuperación y se había puesto en contacto con nosotras para continuar con sus estudios. Hemos sabido que Clara ha pasado sus últimos momentos en paz en su ciudad de origen, Madrid.
Build or join a mixed team and come to share your ideas and projects to improve gender equality at work. Connect online on, join the challengers’ community, and meet your future teammates from the best schools and universities in the world. The Great Challenge «Gender Equality»
The 8th European Feminist Research Conference will be held in Budapest, Hungary on May 17-20, 2012.