September 2011
Welcome session
On the 26th of September took place the welcome session for GEMMA students and professors of the 5th edition, and 4th edition mobility students. The objective of the event was the overview of the courses and activities planned for the new academic year.
The inauguration act relied on the presence of both the Consortium Coordinator of GEMMA: Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and local Coordinator. María José Osorio Pérez.
October 2011
Invited scholar
Amparo Moreno Sardá, Professor of Journalism at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, was the first invited scholar in the subject History of Feminism: Women’s Movements. She taught on the 13th and 14th of October. Her presentation about the history of feminism is available here:
Download presentation 1 (ppt) presentation 2 (ppt) presentation 3 (ppt)
Gladys Nieto Martínez, Professor in social anthropology specialized in Chinese Studies, taught on the 19th and 20th within the subject History of Feminism: Women’s Movements.
Judith Bennett, Professor of the University of Southern California was invited to participate in the subject History of Feminism: Feminist historiography. She is specialized in Middle Age History and Feminist and Women’s History.
November 2011
Invited scholar
Dolores Juliano, Professor of Anthropology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, is specialized in social exclusion and gender. She was the first invited scholar within Feminist Theory course on the 22nd and 25th of November.
January 2012
Invited scholar
Rosa Cobo Bedía, Professor of Gender Sociology at the Universidad de A Coruña, was invited to teach within the subject Feminist Theory. Her sessions were about globalization and violence against women.
February 2012
Invited scholar
Cristina Carrasco Bengoa, Professor of Economics at the Universidad de Barcelona and expert in feminist economy, taught three sessions within Feminist Theory course.
Karina Felitti, Professor of History and research fellow in gender field within Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, gave two lessons within Feminist Research block. Download the presentation here
Teresa del Valle Murga, Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the Universidad del País Vasco and Emakunde to Equality Award (2010), closed the block of compulsory subjects. She taught three sessions within the feminist subject Methodologies C, on the 6th, 7th and 8 th of February.
March 2012
Invited scholar
M ª Carmen Agulló Diaz, Professor of Theory and History of Education at the Universidad de Valencia, taught within the subject Social and Educative Transformations in Spain during the Twentieth Century. She developed the topics of “Women´s Citizenship” and “Women in Times of War ”, on the 1st and 2nd of March. Download her presentation (ppt)
Herminia Di Liscia, Director and Professor at the Instituto Interdisciplinario de Estudios de Género of the Universidad de La Pampa (Argentina), was the first invited scholar within the course Gender, Body and Women in History. She gave two sessions on the 12th and 13th of March.
Susana Salazar Guerrero, Professor and specialist in language and gender perspective at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the Universidad de Málaga, taught within the subject Feminist Discourse Analysis, on the14th and 15th of March.
Eugenia Gil, Professor and specialized in health and gender at the Universidad de Sevilla, participated in our program within the course Gender, Body and Women in History, on the 19th and 20th of March.
Carmen Cortés Zaborras, Professor at the Universidad de Málaga and expert in translation studies, taught within the subject Feminist Discourse Analysis, on the 22nd and 23 th of March.
Women and culture
On 16th of March, the Instituto de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género, along with the association for gender equality in culture ” Clásicas y modernas” organized two conferences about women and culture:
- “Women Artists and University” by Inmaculada Lopez Vilchez. Vicerrectorado de Ext. Universitaria y Deporte de la Universidad de Granada. Director of the Exhibitions Area. - “The creators, culture and citizenship: historical perspective and current situation. Unity is strength: statistics, legal tools ” by Borja Margarita. Author and stage director. Registrar of “Clásicas y modernas”.
Also during this event took place the book launch of: Mujeres y Cultura = Políticas de Igualdad (2011) published by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in collaboration with CIMA, Clásicas y modernas”, MAV, and artists' associations statewide. Access to the on line book
April 2012
Kemy Oyarzún, profesor at the Universidad de Chile, was invited to teach within the subject Case of Study II. She developed topics related to feminism and democracy in the postdictaorship period within the Chilean context. Her sessions took place between the 16th of April and the 14th of May.
Download her presentation (pptx)
June 2012
Invited scholar
Assumpta Sabuco Cantó, Professor of Social Anthropology at the Universidad de Sevilla, closed the academic course with three sessions within the subject: Feminist Perspectives in Social Anthropology, on the 12th , 13th and 14th of June.