Activities 2017-2018


Official presentation of the GEMMA

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) On the 21th of September, the official presentation of the GEMMA took place at the Francisco A. Muñoz Scientific Documentation Center. Mobility students from the X Edition and first year XI Edition of the GEMMA Master attended to this event. The presentation was chaired by the Director of the University Institute for Women and Gender Studies, Ana María Muñoz Muñoz, the coordinator of the GEMMA Consortium Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and the coordinator of the GEMMA Master's Degree at the University of Granada Gerardo Rodríguez Salas. -1 (1)

Seminar: “Compartiendo Saberes Feministas”

-2 (1) (2) On September 30th, the Seminar “Compartiendo Saberes Feministas” was organized in collaboration with Ágora Feminist Training Spaces, the GEMMA Master and the University Institute for Women and Gender Studies. The event was held on the Assembly Hall of the Headquarters of the Diputación de Granada. The seminar had the participation of several feminist activist and academic figures such as Mrs. Isabel Ardil Moreno, President of FEPAIO, Mrs. José Entrena Ávila, President of the Diputación de Granada, and Ms. Ana María Muñoz Muñoz, Director of the University Research Institute of Women and Gender Studies from the University of Granada. The first discussion panel was headed by Mrs. Adelina Sánchez Espinosa, General Coordinator of the Consortium of Universities of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Women and Gender Studies of the University of Granada. Prof. Espinosa shared her analysis on the “Feminist Training and International Cooperation”. In addition, this meeting included the presentation of Mr. Miguel Lorente (UGR), Cecilia Ibáñez, historian and filmmaker of The Invisibles, activist in Gitanas Feministas por la Diversidad, Aida Rodríguez, FEPAIO Technician, Eva Isturiz, Agent of Equality Ayto. Ansoain, Mar Gallego, Pikara Magazine, Alicia Murillo, Youtuber El Conejo de Alicia and Isabel Duque, Psicowomen, as well as Nuria Varela, writer, journalist and feminist researcher, who presented her book “Cansadas” and the lecture “Del feminismo para principiantes a Cansadas” The closing act was in charge of the show “La flamencura todo lo-cura”. -3 (1)


Rosa Cobo: teaches Sociology of Gender in the University of La Coruña. She is the funder, as well as, the first Director of the University’s Interdisciplinary Seminar of Feminist Studies from 2000 to 2003. She has coordinated the Master on gender and equality policies from 2005 until 2008. The Professor’s main research focuses are on feminist theory and gender sociology. One of her latest and most remarkable publication is the book Hacia una nueva política sexual. Las mujeres ante la reacción patriarcal (2011), in which she analyzes the new processes that feed the current patriarchal reaction against women. She was an invited scholar to the class Teoría feminista: igualdad, diferencia y diversidad (Feminist Theory: equality, difference and diversity), coordinated by Professor Cándida Martíntez.

Lina Gálvez: was an invited scholar in the class Teoría feminista: igualdad, diferencia y diversidad (Feminist Theory; equality, difference and diversity). She is a Professor of History and Economic Institutions in the Pablo Olavide University of Sevilla. She has a Doctorate Degree from the European University Institute in Florence. From 2007 until 2012, she was Vice Chancellor of the Post-Graduate and Permanent Education in the Pablo Olavide University of Sevilla. Since 2009, she is the Director of the University’s Master in Gender and Equality and since 2010, of the Doctorate Program in Development and Citizenship. The Professor publishes in several prestigious magazines and editorials.

Rocío Medina: Prof. Medina visited the GEMMA Master Programme on October 18th and 19th, as an invited professor in the course “Movimiento de Mujeres” coordinated by Professor Victoria Robles. Rocío Medina Martín is an Associate Professor at Pablo de Olavide University. Since 2008, Prof. Medina has focused her research on subjects such as Human Rights, Feminist Political Thought and Philosophy of Law. She has carried out research at the Institute of Political Studies of the University of Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia), and the University of Harvard, Massachusetts (USA). Her areas of work are linked to political thought “from below”, in particular, to postcolonial feminist political thought, ecolonial studies, and new theories of social emancipation. She has published several articles on migration, human rights and postcolonial feminisms. She has co-authored textbooks on Education for citizenship for 3º ESO and Ethical-Civic Education for 4º ESO. She has been co-coordinator of compilations on migrations and human rights, and co-editor of a compilation on prosaharaui academic activism.

Montserrat Cabré was aguest lecturer in the subject Gender, Body and Women in Western History: Health practices and Scientific Speeches, which leaders are Dr. Teresa Ortiz and Dr. Agata Ignaciuk. Professor Cabré holds a PhD in Mediaeval History from the University of Barcelona and works as a professor of History of Science at the University of Cantabria, where she founded and directed the “Interdisciplinary Class room Isabel Torres of Women and Gender Studies” (Aula Interdisciplinar Isabel Torres de Estudios de las Mujeres y del Género) between the years 2004 and 2010. Since the 80s, she has been actively engaged in the movement for the academization of women's and gender studies –in this area, she collaborates with various national and international professional associations and has been secretary of the “Spanish Association for Women's History Research” (Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres). In 2011, the University of Cantabria awarded her the 1st Equality Award (I Premio a la Igualdad).

Claudia Zapata: From October 16th to 27th, the GEMMA Master had the participation of Eramus Mundus Professor Claudia Zapata Visiting Scholar from the University of Chile. Prof. Zapata is a full time professor at the Center for Latin American Cultural Studies at Universidad de Chile. She obtained a degree in History (1998), a title of Professor of Media Education in History and Geography (1999), a Master's degree in Latin American Studies (2003) and a PhD in History (2011) at the University of Chile. She is the Director of the Center for Latin American Cultural Studies. Her line of work is Contemporary History of Latin America, with special interest in the relationship between identity and culture from a multidisciplinary approach. Some of her publications are: Libros o Intelectuales indígenas en Ecuador, Bolivia y Chile. Diferencia, colonialismo y anticolonialismo (2013), Frantz Fanon desde América Latina. Lecturas contemporáneas de un pensador del siglo XX (2013) and Aimé Césaire desde América Latina. Diálogos con el poeta de la negritud (2011). The professor shared part of her current line of work and research experiences in the Case Studies II and Gender, Art and Literature courses respectively.

Presentation of the book Teaching Gender: Feminist Pedagogy and Responsibility in Times of Political Crisis

-4 (1) On the 20th of October, GEMMA hosted the presentation of the book: TEACHING GENDER: FEMINIST PEDAGOGY AND RESPONSIBILITY IN TIMES OF POLITICAL CRISIS, by the co-authors and co-author Beatriz Revelles-Benavente, Ana M. González Ramos and Adelina Sánchez Espinosa. The event was presented by the coordinator of the GEMMA Granada Gerardo Rodríguez Salas. During the presentation, the authors presented the ways in which the book tries to respond to the challenges that arise in contemporary societies.


Agata Ignaciuk is a Postdoc researcher in the Department of Pathologic Anatomy and History of Science and member of the University Institute for Women Studies and Gender Research of the University of Granada. Her lines of investigation are the social and cultural history of medicine, the history of contraconception and abortion and the oral history of medicine and women. Professor Ignaciuk gave some classes within the course ‘Gender, Body and Women’ whom main professor is Teresa Ortiz.

Marek Wojtaszek is an assistant teacher from the Humanities, American Studies and Media Departments in the Faculty of International and Political Studies of the University of Lodz (Poland). Professor Wojtaszek was a visiting scholar for the GEMMA courses ‘Case Studies II’ and ‘Gender, Art and Literature’ coordinated by professor Adelina Sánchez Espinosa on 28th and 29th of December of 2017.


Katherine O’Donnell, professor from the University of Dublin, Ireland, was invited to give some classes for the course ‘Case Studies II’ on 11th and 12th of December of 2017.

Zelda Franceschi Researcher and lecturer in History of Anthropology and Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bologna, Italy, she has also taught in Argentine universities (Córdoba, Buenos Aires-UBA-Salta) and at the National University of Bogotá (Colombia) and the University of Montreal (Canadá). Since 2004, Dr. Franceschi has worked with indigenous Wichi communities in the Argentinian Chaco, where she annually conducts fieldinvestigations. Her are as of expertise are the study of native biographies, anthropology of nutrition, material culture and the relationship between the native scriptures and orality. She also has an interestin the history of hermain discipline, anthropology; particularly, in the history of American anthropology and the students of Franz Boas, whore main marginal figures to date –in this context, she deals with autobiographical writing, letters and field diaries. Several essays and monographs on these topics have been published by her in Italian, English and Spanish.


Paula Martín Salván (Gender, Art and Literature: The Representation of Women in Literary and Visual Discourse): Professor of English Philology at the University of Córdoba and member of the research group ‘Writs of Empire’, her research is been carried out in the fields of American literature, the modern and postmodern novel, critical theory and literary theory and the political and aesthetic thought of the 18th century. She has worked on writers such as Don DeLillo, Thomas Pynchon, Cormac McCarthy, JM Coetzee, Joseph Conrad, Graham Greene, Robert Coover and also on the influence of Cervantes on the postmodern American novelists. Dr. Martín Salván has participated in two development projects financed by the Ministry of Economy, focusing on the representation of communities in English-language literary texts: “Community and Immunity in Contemporary Fiction in English” (2010-2012) and “Individual and Community in Modernist Fiction in English ”(2013-2015). She has also been a visiting scholar at Cornell Universities (School of Criticism and Theory, 2009), Aalborg (Denmark, 2006), Toronto (Canada, 2005), California at Irvine (2003 and 2004) and Nottingham (UK, 2001). Her most recent book is “The Language of Ethics and Community in Graham Greene’s Fiction” (Palgrave, 2015).

Anna Caballé Masforroll is a full professor of Spanish Literature in the University of Barcelona and also responsible of the Unit of Biographical Studies, a research centre financed by the DGICYT (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) and AGAUR (Generalitat of Catalunya). Her PhD dissertation “La literatura autobiográfica en España (1939-1975)”received an Extraordinary Doctorate Award. She is published ‘La vida y la obra de Paulino Masip’ (Edicions del Mall, 1987); ‘Narcisos de tinta. Ensayo sobre la literatura autobiográfica en lengua castellana (1939-1975)’ (Megazul, 1995); ‘Mi vida es mía’, in collaboration with Joana Bonet (Plaza&Janés, 2000, five editions); ‘Francisco Umbral. El frío de una vida’ (Espasa, 2004), ‘Cinco conversaciones con Carlos Castilla del Pino’ (Península, 2005), ‘Una breve historia de la misoginia’ (Lumen, 2006) and numerous papers in collective works relating to her area of expertise: auto/biographical writing.

Anna Caballé has edited ‘La tía Tula’ and ‘Amor y pedagogía’ by Miguel de Unamuno (Espasa, colección Austral, 1990 and 1991, respectively) and ‘Mi defensa’ and ‘Recuerdos de provincia’ by Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (Círculo de Lectores, Opera Mundi collection, 1996). She has directed the four-volume collection ‘La vida escrita por las mujeres’: ‘Por mi alma os digo. De la Edad Media a la Ilustración’; ‘La pluma como espada. Del Romanticismo al Modernismo’, ‘Contando estrellas. Siglo XX (1)’ and ‘Lo mío es escribir. Siglo XX (2)’ (Círculo de Lectores, 2003; Lumen, 2004). Professor Caballé also works as a regular critic for the ABC newspapers’ supplement ‘ABCD’ and as editor of the annual magazine ‘Memoria’ (Servei de Publicacions de la UB), especialized in the rescue and study of the autobiographical Hispanic heritage and which eighth issue was published in 2017.

Debate: “Gender Violence in Latin America: global experiences for local action”

On Thursday, January 11, the debate table “Gender Violence in Latin America: global experiences for local action” was held at the Scientific Documentation Center. In this activity, organized by the NGO Peace and Development, their work experiences were discussed around the political incidence and strengthening of women's and feminist organizations in Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador and Guatemala. In addition, the Development Cooperation Initiatives Center of the University of Granada (CICODE) carried out an analysis of the advances, setbacks and challenges in the legislation on violence and its application within the framework of projects that have the support of the Andalusian Agency for International Cooperation for Development. img20180116131318478 (1) Among the main issues addressed, the alarming figures of patriarchal violence in Latin America stand out. Also, the importance of meeting the particular needs of these territories and the women's organizations that comprise them was emphasized. Along with this, it was emphasized the fundamental role played in the processes of transformation of this social phenomenon, both public politics and the organized action of the diverse social actors.

Azade Seyhan Professor Fairbank in Humanities, Professor of German and Comparative Literature and Affiliated Faculty of Philosophy and Middle East studies at Bryn Mawr College, Dr. Seyhan has worked widely on German idealism and romanticism, critical theory, narratives in the exile, Turkish-German literature and novel theory, publishing books such as: Representation and Its Discontents: The Critical Legacy of German Romanticism (University of California Press, 1992); Writing Outside the Nation (Princeton University Press, 2001); and Tales of Crossed Destinies: The Modern Turkish Novel in a Contrasting Context (MLA, 2008). In recent years, she has also participated as keynote speaker at national and international conferences at the University of Bath (England), the University of Copenhagen, the University of Georgetown, the University of Pennsylvania, the Max Weber Foundation, Istanbul and the Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul.

Paloma González Professor at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona and co-director of the Centre D'Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria (CEPAP). Her research interest shave been focused on the theoretical and methodological aspects of archaeological research regarding gender and public archaeology. “Archaeological and Ethnographic Records” (2003-2007) and “The Work of Women and the Language of Objects: Renovation of Historical Reconstructions and Recovery of the Material Feminine Culture as Tools for the Transmission of Values” (2010-2013). Professor Gonzalez’s lines of research are archaeology of women and gender relations, prehistoric archaeology, public archaeology, heritage and historical memory and recent prehistory of the Mediterranean.


María Ángeles Fernández López-Cao PhD in Fine Arts, Master's Degree in Psycho therapeutic Intervention. Full Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Complutense University of Madrid and coordinator of the intercollegiate Master in Art Therapy and Art Education for the Social Inclusion, Dr. Fernández López-Cao is the main researcher of the development project “Study of Museum Funds from the Perspective of Gender: Cases of the Prado Museum (Museo del Prado), National Museum of Art Centre Reina Sofía (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía), National Archaeological Museum (Museo Arqueológico Nacional) and the Museo del Traje”. This was one of the projects she shared in her classes in GEMMA for the subjects of Case Study II and Gender, Art and Literature. In addition, she also spoke about women and visual arts, both addressing their role as creative artists and depiction in imagery.

Ioana Gruia: has a Bachelor Degree in Hispanic Philology, in Literature Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of Granada, she has a PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of Granada. Professor Gruia was invited to the course: Cases Studies I.

Elena Casado is a lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid (CUM) and a member of the “Ordinary Sociology” (Sociología Ordinaria) research group. She holds a PhD in Sociology and her dissertation was awarded an Extraordinary Prize (2002). She received a Philology Degree by the CUM in 1990, where she has worked as Assistant Professor (2003-07) and Associate Professor (since 2007). A teaching enthusiast, she coordinates the Health and Society project, linked to the subject she teaches at the CUM’s Faculty of Nursing. Herlines of research are closely related to care, gender relations and the sociology of communication. She participated in the course Feminist Methodologies: Block C of the GEMMA Master, organized by the Professors Carmen Gregorio Gil and Ana Alcázar.

Ana Távora Rivero Holder of a PhD inPsychiatry, Dr. Távora is the director of the Mental Health Centre of Santa Fe and ocassional lecturer at the University of Granada. Her are a of expertise is women's health from a gender perspective, so she has published several works in this field. She is also part of the Junta de Andalucía’s expert panel on issues of community mental health and violence agains twomen.


International Womens Day in Granada


Manifestación On March 8th, it took place a historic moment for the feminist movement: the first feminist strike was called in Spain, with a great response from its citizens. The streets of Granada, like those of many other cities, were filled by crowds singing chants and raising banners that acclaimed various demands in relation to the oppresive circumstances that women live in the world.

8M is likely to be the prelude of a movement that won't happen only in the streets, but also in all the spaces in which women and other groups have experienced the harmful effects of the patriarchal culture rooted in our society. This action has encouraged the eradication of all forms of violence against women and the exploiting exclusive assigment of care tasks. Today more than ever, we need to remember that all the social actors play an important role in the transformation towards a more egalitarian society. Manifestación


Presentation of the GEMMA Master in the III Cumbre Académica: América Latina y Caribe - Unión Europea

The Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women and Gender Studies, represented by Mónica Szurmuk from the University of Buenos Aires, participated in the Córdoba Latin America and Caribbean-European Union Academic Summit organized by the National University of Córdoba in Argentina and the Academic Forum Permanent ALC-EU, a space for international academic cooperation between institutions in Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union. One of the six thematic workshops of the Summit was dedicated for the first time to issues of Gender and Integration of Women in the Academic Environment. GEMMA was presented in the context of this workshop, which was coordinated by Patricia Rojo. Dr. Szurmuk insisted on the particularity and excellence of this graduate program, on its international links and also presented the GRACE Project, highlighting its importance as a program of excellence endorsed by the European Commission. The particular characteristics of the Master's Degree were discussed, among them the double degree and the participation of European and American universities as associate institutions. Dr. Agustina Rodríguez Saa, Rector of the National University of the Comechingones in Argentina and Dr. María Clelia Guiñazú, Director of International Relations of that University, also participated in the workshop. Dr. Guiñazú presented an analysis of the participation of women in higher education in Latin America and, although it is very high, women rarely access positions of leadership. In Argentina, for example, while almost 60% of students in national universities are women, there is only 11% of female directors. Workshop participants celebrated the GEMMA model as one of good practices and were interested in establishing links with the program from educational and civil organizations. Topics of inclusion, sexual dissidence and retention of women in scientific careers were also discussed.

Conference: “Body, Technology and Gender”


30581728102138261789017924131815249500176384n (1) On April 18th, the Scientific Documentation Center hosted the conference “Body, Technology and Gender”, in which the cyborg artist Moon Ribas participated performing a seismic percussion. The event was part of the dissemination of the GRACE project of the UGR, in which the researcher Johanna Levy presented the preliminary results of her study on menstrual apps and theoretical concepts about digital bodies. We highlight the notion of the embodiment and incorporation of the cell phone as an extension of one's own body and how technoscience, material bodies, digital bodies and subjectivities were addressed through feminist studies.

In this instance, another topic that was dealt with was the use of digital technologies and its consequences for the perception and understanding of our bodies. Moon Ribas, dancer and choreographer, is considered a cyborg artist since she implanted sensors in her feet that allow her to perceive the seismic movements of the world through vibrations that vary according to their intensity. In this way, she can use her body as a means for expressing the movement of the Earth through dance. On this occasion, she presented a “seismic percussion”, in which she reproduced Spain’s seismic movements of the last decades by playing a drum. img20180507103253603 (1) (2)

Visit to the Archive of Granada’s Royal Chancery


img-20180427-wa0009 (1) On the 27th of April, some students to visit the historic archive of Granada’s Royal Chancery (Real Chancillería). The activity was part of Celia Prados’ classes within Study Cases I. Located at a rebuilt building where Father Suárez was born (named as the square the building is at), the archive holds the administration records of the south of the Spanish kingdoms since 1537. The original Royal Chancery was located in Plaza Nueva, where the Superior Court of Justice of Andalucía is currently at. In the 19th century, it became Granada’s Provincial Courts. Granada was chosen to hold the Royal Chancery, as part of geopolitical strategies from the Catholic Monarchs’ heir in the 16th century. Granada’s Royal Chancery used to be the place where some significant issues from every region south of Tagus river were supposed to be resolved, where as Valladolid’s Royal Chancery (and the Royal Audience) kept track of the northern regions. During the visit, it was explained the variety of documents the archive storage holds, for example: parchments from the 16th century. The multiple, even eccentric calligraphies demanded previous training in order to be read and de-codified. The documents were about southern law suits, and some of them lasted more than two centuries. These documents serve as indispensable historical records for many research projects related to feminism and gender studies, such as the exchange of female slaves in the 17th century, the suits from abused women, the disputes for nobility recognition, and (one of the hardest to access to) people judged under the 1933 Law Against Vague and Criminal People for homosexuality among other topics.

Manuscrito antiguo


Nieves Ibeas: On May 23 and 24, we had the presence of Dr. Nieves Ibeas Vuelta, who is currently a full professor at the Department of French Philology at the University of Zaragoza. In this Univesrity, she has forged a vast career in teaching and also as “Vicerrectora de Proyección Social y Cultural”. Her training in Romance and French Philology has complemented her with studies on feminism. He has also participated in the “Consejo Rector del Instituto Aragonés de la Mujer”. In addition, Dr. Nieves Ibeas has an important career in activism and politics.

Her visit to the GEMMA Master is part of the course “Enfoques feministas en el análisis del discurso (lengua y literatura)” by Professor Ana Gallego, presenting the module “Leyendo a las escritoras francesas desde enfoques feministas”. In this instance, the students of the first year of the 10th edition, we had the opportunity to work on texts such as: El Acontecimiento by Annie Ernaux, King Kong Theory by Virginie Despentes and Zoo, a short story by Marie Darrieussec.

Introduction to Queer Theory Course by Professor Jack Halberstam

-6 On May 21, 22, 28 and 29, was held the “Introduction to Queer Theory” course by Prof. Dr. Jack Halberstam of Columbia University. The sessions dealt with the following topics: “Queer now and then”, “Queer Temporalities”, “Queer of Color Critique” and “Queer / Trans * and Beyond”, respectively. The objective of the course was focused on the development of critical analytical skills to consider the social change movements with particular attention to how sex, gender, race, class, sexuality, sexual orientation, and other systems of power shape people’s everyday lives. We traced the intersection of histories of labor, medicine, representation and activism and we will ask difficult questions about assimilation, mainstreaming, globalization and pink capitalism. The methodology of the course was based on the reading and discussion of theoretical essays, social studies and films in order to think deeply about sexuality, identity, desire, race, objects, relationality, being, knowing and becoming. Additionally, during the course we considered sexuality, desire and gender not as a discrete set of bodily articulations nor as natural expressions of coherent identities so much as part of the formulation of the self that Avery Gordon names “complex personhood.” Finally, we also explored new and old theories of queer desire and embodiment and political orientation.

Conference Trans *: Histories, Bodies and the Unbuilding of Worlds by Prof. Jack Halberstam


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On May 28, was held at the Scientific Documentation Center the Conference by Professor Jack Halberstam of the University of Columbia, United States. In this talk, the prof. Halberstam presented his work he did in TRANS* with a book in progress on wildness or “queerness after nature.” Wildness it was presented as a great category with which to think it references all at once the opposite of civilization; the idea of unsorted relations to knowledge and being – if, as Foucault proposes, there is an order of things, the professor Halberstam proposes there must also be a disorder of things; this is what he call “nature after nature”; queerness after and before nature and life as an encounter with both the biopolitical forces of being and the necropolitical forces of unbecoming. And while we think of sexual and gender minority identities as ways of extending the meaning of embodiment, they actually introduce a wildness and a disorder into the system as a whole. This talk was related with three sites of trans* becoming and unbecoming drawn from social history, feminism and architecture.


Teresa del Valle: The distinguished anthropologist, Teresa del Valle Murga visited the Master GEMMA Grabada on October 4th 5th, and 6th as part of the course “Perspectivas feministas en antropología social: Mirar y escribir a partir de la(s) etnografía(s) feministas” coordinated by professors Carmen Gregorio, Ana Alcázar and María Espinosa. Prof. Del Valle was awarded in 2010 with the Emakunde Equality Award for her research and dissemination of the reality of women. She has recently been awarded with the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa 2018 Award for Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences, for the contribution of his global work “effectively to cultural development with a gender perspective in Vasconia”. img-20180606-wa00011 (1) The professor has a vast academic background in art and feminist methodology. She has taught at the Universities of Guam (“Instructor”, “Researcher”, 1971-72), Princeton (“Visiting Felow”, 1986) and the Basque Studies Program at the University of Nevada-Reno (1985-91). She is the author of 9 books, editor of 4 and co-author of 3 and besides having participated in numerous publications The professor has carried out research in the Basque Country, Micronesia, Hawaii, Mexico and North America. She has taught multiple courses and seminars in different universities in Spain. She has also been director of Cuadernos de Antropología collection of Anthropos Barcelona (1981-1995), coordinator of the week on “Mujer, cultura y sociedad” organized in 1983 by the Women's Studies Seminar of the UPV / EHU. Member of the editorial committees of Kobie and Eres; of the “American Anthropological Association” (1976), Sociedad de Estudios Vascos (1978), founding member of ANKULEGI (Asociación Vasca de Antropología) and of AUDEM (Asociación Universitaria de Estudios de las Mujeres) in 1993. She was the First Vice-President of EASA (European Association of Social Anthropology), founded in 1989. She is currently an Emeritus Professor in Social Anthropology of the UPV/EHU and Vice President of the Society of Basque Studies-Eusko Ikaskuntza by Guipúzcoa, as an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters (JAKIUNDE).

Talk and debate film “Eisa Vida Mía”


-7 On June 7, the talk and debate of the film Elisa, Vida Mía (1977), directed by Carlos Saura, was held in the auditorium of the scientific documentation center at the UGR. The debate was led by Daniel Berjano, student of the 10th edition of the GEMMA Master, as part of his Master's Thesis directed by prof. Adelina Sánchez Espinosa. This TFM deals with the theme “Vampires in transition”, as described Daniel Berjano: “Hispanic film scholars have approached cinema of the Spanish transition of the late 1970s as a technology of new civic ideals of neoliberal democracy. This paper aims at inquiring the latter affirmation by mapping the location of vampires precisely in the transition to our current neoliberal regime. Following Rita Segato and Paul Preciado among others, vampire-images might respond to a capitalist patriarchal reaction before the recent implosion of politics of resistance and liberation”.