September 2021
Opening Ceremony GEMMA
The opening session of the GEMMA Master's program was held on September 18th in the Campoamor venue at the Centro de Documentación Científica, with a lecture entitled "Escribir y Experimentar: Una antropóloga que escribe poesía" by Mari Luz Esteban. The mobility students of the 14th edition and the first-year students of the 15th edition attended this event. The conference was chaired by the director of the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP), María del Sol Ostos Rey, the Vice-Rector of Internationalisation, Dorothy Kelly, and the Director of the Women's and Gender Studies Institute, Victoria Robles Sanjuán.
October 2021
Visiting scholars
Sayak Valencia. Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico)
Sayak Valencia was the guest lecturer on the 2nd and 4th of October in the class "Gender, Art and Literature", coordinated by Ioana Gruia and Adelina Sánchez Espinosa. She holds a European PhD in Philosophy, Feminist Theory and Criticism from the UCM, she is a poet, essayist and performative exhibitionist. She is currently a Professor and a researcher at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Mexico). She is the editor of the anthology Latin Queer 2008-2009, for Centaurea Nigra Ediciones. She is the author of the books Capitalismo Gore (2010, Melusina); El reverso exacto del texto (2007, Centaurea Nigra Ediciones), among others, and her poems have been published in Mexican magazines and anthologies such as Alforja, Tierra Adentro, Taladro or Hoja de Poesía.
Rocío Medina Martín. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Rocío Medina was the guest lecturer on the 6th and the 7th of October in the course History of Feminism: Women's Movements in the World, coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the area of Filosofía del Derecho at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Her interests are critical theories of human rights, new critical theories of social emancipation, postcolonial and decolonial epistemologies and, in particular, genealogies and proposals of decolonial feminisms. She is closely linked to the historical struggle of the Saharawi people as an activist and academic, having completed her doctoral thesis on Saharawi women in the refugee camps of Tindouf (Algeria), from the perspective of decolonial feminisms.
Acción en Red
Acción en Red participated on the 19th of October in the course History of Feminism: Women's Movements in the World, coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. Accion en Red is an Andalusian NGO whose main objective is to advance towards greater equality and social justice. They are committed to more democratic societies for which they offer means of collective involvement that contribute to the consolidation of an active, critical, organized, autonomous and co-responsible citizenship. In this sense, volunteering and social participation are the driving force and heart of their action. Its purpose is to encourage social transformations, the development of solidarity in all its dimensions and the guarantee of human rights, with care at the center. You can visit their website at the following link:
November 2021
Visiting scholars
Dolors Comas. Universidad Rovira y Virgili (Spain)
Dolors Comas was the guest lecturer on the 3rd and 4th of November in the course Feminist History coordinated by Margarita Birriel Salcedo and Rosa Medina Domenech. She holds a PhD in Filosofía y Letras from the University of Barcelona, and has postdoctoral training from the École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales and the Laboratoire d'Antropologie Sociale, Paris. She is a professor at the Rovira i Virgili University and President of the Fundació Nous Horitzons (FNH). Dolors Comas d'Argemir has been a member of the Parliament of Catalonia, councilwoman in the City Council of Tarragona and member of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia.
Esther Mayoko. Universidad Tufts-Skidmore (Spain)
Esther Mayoko was the guest lecturer on the 5th and the 8th of November in the course Feminist Theories, coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lola Martínez Pozo and Miguel Lorente. She holds a PhD in Filosofía de la Ciencia from the University of Santiago de Compostela, is a professor at Tufts-Skidmore University and is part of the R+D project "CSIC Voces múltiples, saberes plurales y tecnologías médicas". Approaching the body as a political category, she has researched the impact of public policies on trans and racialized people, this being explored in multiple publications, among which stand out: El eje del mal es heterosexual: Figuraciones, movimientos y prácticas feministas queer (Traficantes de Sueños, 2005), Cartografías del cuerpo: Biopolíticas de la ciencia y la tecnología (Cátedra, 2014) or Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas (Bellaterra, 2017). Apart from her academic endevours, she has never left feminist militancy and sexual dissidence, being part of an Afrofeminist collective.
December 2021
Visiting scholars
María Jesús López Sánchez Vizcaíno. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
María Jesús López Sánchez Vizcaíno was the guest lecturer on the 14th and the 15th of December, in the courses "Case Studies II" and "Gender, Art and Literature" coordinated by Adelina Sánchez and Beatriz Revelles. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana at the University of Cordoba. Her research focuses on the work of J.M. Coetzee, paying attention also to other South African writers such as Zoë Wicomb, Zakes Mda and Phaswane Mpe, and postcolonial authors such as Margaret Atwood and Helon Habila. She has developed a parallel line of research focusing on modernist British fiction, with attention to writers Virginia Woolf and Samuel Beckett. Since 2010 she has been part of a series of research projects with researchers from the Universities of Cordoba and Granada, dedicated to the study of community and secrecy in literature.
January 2022
Visiting scholars
María Paula Martín Salván. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
María Paula Martín Salván was the guest lecturer on the 17th and the 18th of January, in the courses "Case Studies II" and "Gender, Art and Literature" coordinated by Adelina Sánchez and Beatriz Revelles. She is Professor at the University of Córdoba since 2005. Her teaching focuses on literature, critical theory and cultural studies in the field of English-speaking countries. Her research interests include modern and contemporary literatures in English, with special emphasis on North American literature. Since 2010 she is part of a research team that includes researchers from the universities of Cordoba and Granada, dedicated to the study of the concepts of community and secrecy in literature.
Elena Casado Aparicio. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Elena Casado Aparicio was the guest scholar on the 19th, the 20th and the 21st of January in the course Feminist Methodologies, coordinated by Ana Alcázar Campos, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Rosa Medina Doménech and Milena Rodríguez Gutiérrez. She is a Professor in the Departamento de Sociología: Metodología y Teoría at the Complutense University of Madrid. Enthusiastic about teaching, she coordinates the Salud y Sociedad project, linked to the subject she teaches at the Facultad de Enfermería. Her lines of research revolve around the sociology of communication, gender relations, sociology of health and new teaching and research methodologies. Feminist commitment, quality teaching and an interest in language and the construction of meaning have been the three pillars in her career.
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet. Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet was the guest scholar on the 25th of January in the course "Gender, Body and Women" coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk and Teresa Ortiz. She is a Professor of Science History at the University of Cantabria. At this same institution, she directs since 2016 the Área de Igualdad, Conciliación y Responsabilidad Social. Her research focuses on the history of women and sexual difference, paying special attention to practices around health and nature in pre-modern Europe.
February 2022
Exhibition "ExpresARTE: Tu emoción es colectiva".
On Tuesday, February 22 the exhibition "ExpresARTE” was held at the Centro de Documentación Científica of the University of Granada. It was organized by the GEMMA student Ana Oyenkwere and Tabitha Learn. By means of presenting the artistic production in different formats such as collage, abstract painting or photography; a group of migrant and racialized women from Granada worked on how to capture and channel different emotions such as loneliness, anger and rage, as well as reflect certain experiences related to their identities as racialized women.

"Las mujeres en las Ciencias Sociales" Seminar
On February 24, "Las mujeres en las Ciencias Sociales" seminar was held on the occasion of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science. It consisted of the conference "Las mujeres en el futuro de la ciencia" by María Ángeles Durán, Professor of Sociology and researcher at the CSIC, and a round table that featured young female researchers.

Visiting scholars
Marían López-Cao. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Marian López-Cao was the guest lecturer on the 8th and the 9th of February in the course Gender, Art and Literature, coordinated by Ioana Gruia and Adelina Sánchez Espinosa. She is Professor of the Department of Didactics of the Languages, Arts and Physical Education of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is Director of the "Art implementation for social inclusion: art, therapy and artistic education" research group. Her main research areas are artistic education and social justice, art as therapy and art and equality. She has recently published Imagining windmills: trust, truth and the unknown in the Arts Therapies (Routledge, 2021) and "Finding New Self-Narratives Through the Artist Book and Life Story in Cumulative Interpersonal Trauma” (Chapter in the book International Advances in Art Therapy Research and Practice, Cambridge, 2021).
Paloma González Marcén. Centre d’Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria (UAB) (Spain)
Paloma González Marcén was the guest lecturer on the 17th and the 18th of February in the course Gender and Archeology, coordinated by Margarita Sánchez Romero. She is an archaeologist and professor in the Departamento de Prehistoria at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and co-director of the Centre d'Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria from the UAB. Her lines of research are the Archaeology of Women and Gender Relations, Feminist Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Didactics of Heritage, Heritage and Historical Memory and Recent Prehistory of the Mediterranean.
Víctor Seidler. Universidad Goldsmiths.University of London (United Kingdom)
Victor Seidler was the guest lecturer on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of February in the course Case Studies II, coordinated by Beatriz Revelles and Adelina Sanchez Espinosa. He is Emeritus Professor of Social Theory in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths University of London, where he focuses on the study of social theory, philosophy, gender -particularly in relation to men and masculinities-, ethics, psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. He has published works such as Kant, Respect and Injustice: The Limits of Liberal Moral Theory (1986, Routledge); The Moral Limits of Modernity: Love, Inequality and Oppression (1991, Palgrave Macmillan The Limited); Recuperar el yo: moral and social theory and a truer freedom (1994, Routledge).
March 2022
3rd edition of the "Dissident Masculinities" Film Series
The "Dissident Masculinities" Film Series took place between March and June of 2022 and it was organized by the Gemma Master and the Red de Hombres por la Igualdad. Its aim was to screen fiction and documentary films to jointly investigate several issues concerning gender, non-binary gender identities, gender violence and different types of masculinities.
The films screened were, in its screening order: "Genderbende" (Netherlands 2017) on March 28 at the Espacio V Centenario; "Nadie Nos Mira" (Argentina-Spain 2017) on April 4 at the same venue; "Todas Las Mujeres Que Conozco" (Spain, 2018) on May 9 at the Salón de Actos of the Centro de Documentación Científica and "Ander" (Spain, 2009) on June 6 at the same venue.
In all sessions, a collaborative dynamic was approached in which students were in charge of presenting the film and preparing a post-screening debate, with the aim of creating a critical space for reflection on gender and its audiovisual representations. In addition, the attendance of people from diverse backgrounds was encouraged, with the intention of constructing a heterogeneous narrative with different points of view.
Visiting Scholars
Ángelo Néstore. Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Ángelo Néstore was the guest lecturer on the 3rd of March as part of the subject Case Studies I, coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez, Daniel J. García López and María Teresa Díaz Aznarte. Ángelo Néstore is a non binary artist. Their art is devoted to poetics, understood as a queer territory where poetry hybridates with other disciplines such as music, performance or scenic arts. In 2020, they were awarded the Emilio Prados Internationl Prize of Poetry, created by the Generación del 27 Cultural Center, thanks to their poetry book entitled Hágase mi Voluntad (Pre-Textos, 2020) and the 5th Espasa es Poesía Prize with their work "Deseo de ser árbol" (2022). They founded the poetry publishing house Letraversal and co-direct the Irreconciliables Festival. Poeta Cíborg Pecador is their first poetic and musical experiment, based on their poems.
Celia Prados García. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
Celia Prados García was the guest lecturer on the 25th of March in the course Case Studies I, coordinated by coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez, Daniel J. García López and María Teresa Díaz Aznarte. She holds a PhD from the Programa de Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas of the University of Granada (2015), after studying the MA Estudios Migratorios, Desarrollo e Intervención Social (2007) and Law (2005). She was awarded the Prize for Best Thesis in Public Law by the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence of Granada (2017). Since 2022 she has been directing the Leonor de Guzmán Chair of Women's Studies at the University of Córdoba. She considers that the dissemination of science and teaching is a fundamental pillar to understand Law as an instrument of social transformation.
April 2022
Visiting scholars
María del Carmen Agulló Díaz. Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
María del Carmen Agulló Díaz was the guest lecturer on the 18th and the 19th of April in the course Socioeducative transformation in the 20th century Spain, coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. She is a professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Valencia. Her research interests are the history of women's education, especially during the Second Republic and the Franco dictatorship, the use of new sources in educational history and the recovery of Valencian historical-educational heritage. She has published several books and articles, including Mestres valencianes republicanes and Maestros valencianos bajo el franquismo.
May 2022
Between May 23rd and Mary 27th, 19 laboratories, 2 master classes and 1 space for women researchers were held on the occasion of the "Filming Lab" meeting, whose funding institutions include the GEMMA master's degree. On May 25, professors of the GEMMA master's degree and members of the project Laboratorios responsables con perspectiva de género organized a workshop which consisted of a horizontal classroom in which knowledge was built in a democratic way through small focus groups and debates among the attendees, analysing works such as "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood, "A single man" by Christopher Isherwood and their respective audiovisual adaptations, as well as "Todo sobre mi madre" by Pedro Almodóvar and "Te doy mis ojos" by Icíar Bollaín, touching on feminist counter-visualities, construction of masculinities and the impact of fiction on the social fabric.
Visiting scholars
Pura Fernández Rodríguez. Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales-CSIC (Spain)
Pura Fernández Rodríguez was the guest lecturer on the 26th of May in the course Feminist approach on the analysis of discourse, coordinated by Ana Gallego Cuiñas. She holds a PhD from the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid, she is Research Professor at the Instituto de Lengua, Literatura y Antropología from the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC (Madrid). Since 2019 she has been Director of Editorial CSIC and head of the area of Cultura Científica y Ciencia Ciudadana at CSIC since 2021. Her research focuses on the history of the contemporary cultural field (19th-21st centuries): the history of literature, publishing and reading in the Hispanic field; the social status of the professional writer and the construction of the authorial identity of women; transatlantic cultural and publishing networks, as well as dialogues between art and scientific discourses. She is currently working on the cultural practices of women publishers-writers and on the biographical discourse of contemporary Spanish and Latin American women authors and travelers.