September 2022
Visiting scholars
Marcela Visconti. Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Marcela Visconti was the visiting scholar on the 27th and 28th of September within the class coordinated by Ioana Gruia and Adelina Sánchez Espinosa, entitled "Gender, Art and Literature". She holds a PhD in Theory and History of the Arts and a Master in Communication and Culture from the University of Buenos Aires, from which she graduated with a degree in Arts. Since 2001 she has been teaching Film Analysis and Criticism at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (UBA). She is a researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies of the same institution, where she has participated in several projects on Argentine culture and contemporary identities. In 2011 she coordinated the creation of a film catalog on cinema and dictatorship at the NGO Memoria Abierta. She currently serves as Vice-President of the Argentine Association of Film and Audiovisual Studies.
Adriana Piscitelli. Universidad de Campinas (Brasil)
Adriana Piscitelli was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on the 29th and 30th of September as part of the class coordinated by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and Beatriz Revelles Benavente, entitled "Gender, Art and Literature". She is an anthropologist with a PhD in social sciences from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp, Brazil). She was part of the founding group of Pagu (Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero de Unicamp), to which she still belongs. Her research interests include gender studies, memory, kinship, sex tourism, prostitution and migration, among others. She has recently published book chapters such as From Programas to Help and Marriage:: Transnational Sexual, Economic and Affective Exchanges among Brazilian Women (Intimate Mobilities, 2018) and Love and Ambition (Gender & Memory, 2017).
October 2022
Opening Ceremony
On October 10th, the opening session took place at the Francisco A. Muñoz Hall, in the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC), with a conference by the Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar Professor Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo titled "Descolonizando el Feminismo desde las Epistemologías del Sur". The event was chaired by the Vice-Rector of Internationalisation, Dorothy Kelly; the Director of the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP), María del Sol Ostos Rey; the Director of the Women's and Gender Studies Institute, Victoria Robles Sanjuán; the Coordinator of the GEMMA Consortium, Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and the Coordinator of the GEMMA Master in Granada, Carmen Gregorio Gil.
Visit to Acción en Red
On October 19th, the first year students visited the facilities of Acción en Red, a Spanish NGO that seeks to contribute to social change and that has as one of its main lines of intervention the fight for gender equality, as well as combating gender violence. During the visit, the students were able to learn about the work of this NGO and exchange ideas about the projects they support, the issues they deal with and the results obtained in so many years of work. The visit was part of the subject "Women's Movements", taught by Professor Victoria Robles Sanjuán.
"Las que Zarandean: Decolonizing Memory Studies" Conversation
On October 20th, the "Las que Zarandean: Descolonizando los estudios de Memoria desde los Feminismos" ("Those who shake: Decolonising Memory studies from Feminism") conversation was held in the "Salón de Grados" Conference Room of the Faculty of Social Work with the participation of Rosalva Aída Hernández Castillo, Andrea García González, Marina Montoto and Olatz Danobeitia. They reflected on the construction of historical memory, committed research and the need to establish affective communities in feminist research.
Visit to the Museum of Andalusian Memory
On October 20th, as part of the subject "Feminist History" coordinated by professors Margarita Birriel Salcedo and Rosa Medina Domenech, students visited the Museum of Andalusian Memory (Museo de la Memoria de Andalucía). In this outing they were able to reflect on the construction of historical memory, the role played by museums in the dissemination of the historical narrative and the importance of materiality in these processes.
Visiting scholars
Acción en Red
Acción en Red is an Andalusian NGO whose main objective is to advance towards greater equality and social justice. They are committed to more democratic societies for which they offer means of collective involvement that contribute to the consolidation of an active, critical, organized, autonomous and co-responsible citizenship. In this sense, volunteering and social participation are the driving force and heart of their action. Its purpose is to encourage social transformations, the development of solidarity in all its dimensions and the guarantee of human rights, with care at the center. You can visit their website at the following link:
Rocío Medina Martín. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Rocío Medina Martín was a guest lecturer on the 13th and 14th of October in the course "Women's movements in the World", coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the area of Filosofía del Derecho at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Her interests are critical theories of human rights, new critical theories of social emancipation, postcolonial and decolonial epistemologies and, in particular, genealogies and proposals of decolonial feminisms. She is closely linked to the historical struggle of the Saharawi people as an activist and academic, having completed her doctoral thesis on Saharawi women in the refugee camps of Tindouf (Algeria), from the perspective of decolonial feminisms.
November 2022
Presentation of the book "Marrones escriben" and celebration of the "Migration of people, migration of knowledbe" ("Migración de personas, migración de saberes") Panel
On November 18th, as part of the course "Feminist Theory. Equality, Diference, Diverstity" coordinated by professors Ana Alcázar Campos, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Dolores Martínez Pozo and Miguel Lorente Acosta; students attended the presentation of the book "Marrones escriben" and the panel "Migration of people, migration of knowledge" ("Migración de personas, migración de saberes"), both held in the space "La Colectiva". The documentary "Transpassing the Glass doors of Museums" ("Traspasar las Puertas de Cristal de los Museos") by Identidad Marrón was screened and then the event counted with the interventions of The Bonita Chola (Ángela Camacho), América Canela and Carolina Escobar-Blanco. The meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on structural racism, academy as a place of resistance, the importance of establishing affective communities and dialogue between different bodies of knowledge and experiences.
Activities on November 25th
During the week of November 25th, various activities were prepared to raise awareness and social denunciation about gender violence, including the project "Tendederos" ("Dryers") by the artist Monica Meyer, which took place on the 23rd and 24th of November in the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts. Besides, a banner workshop organized by GEMMA students was held on the 24th of November in the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC), a space open to everyone to build collectively; as well as the performance in the Plaza de las Pasiegas on the 25th, also organized and performed by students, which sought the participation of citizens in the experience of suffering and healing from violence and finally; the protest, to which the participants assisted.
Discussion "Unveiling Iran: yesterday, today and tomorrow..." (“Desvelando Irán: ayer, hoy y mañana…”)
On November 29th at the Francisco Muñoz Muñoz "Salón de Actos" Conference Room of the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC), the discussion "Unveiling Iran: yesterday, today and tomorrow" (“Desvelando Irán: ayer, hoy y mañana…”) was held. It was chaired by the Director of the Women's and Gender Studies Institute, Victoria Robles Sanjuán. The speakers were Coral Mar Sh and Sabzek Araabab.
Visiting scholars
Esther Mayoko. Universidad Tufts-Skidmore (Spain)
Esther Mayoko was a guest lecturer on the 10th and the 11th of November in the course Feminist Theories" coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lola Martínez Pozo and Miguel Lorente. She holds a PhD in Filosofía de la Ciencia from the University of Santiago de Compostela, is a professor at Tufts-Skidmore University and is part of the R+D project "CSIC Voces múltiples, saberes plurales y tecnologías médicas". Approaching the body as a political category, she has researched the impact of public policies on trans and racialized people, this being explored in multiple publications, among which stand out: El eje del mal es heterosexual: Figuraciones, movimientos y prácticas feministas queer (Traficantes de Sueños, 2005), Cartografías del cuerpo: Biopolíticas de la ciencia y la tecnología (Cátedra, 2014) or Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas (Bellaterra, 2017). Apart from her academic endevours, she has never left feminist militancy and sexual dissidence, being part of an Afrofeminist collective.
María Jesús López Sánchez Vizcaíno. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
María Jesús López Sánchez Vizcaíno as the guest lecturer on the 10th and the 11th of November in the courses "Case Studies II" and "Gender, Art and Literature" coordinated by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and Beatriz Revelles Benavene. She is a Senior Lecturer in the Departamento de Filologías Inglesa y Alemana at the University of Cordoba. Her research focuses on the work of J.M. Coetzee, paying attention also to other South African writers such as Zoë Wicomb, Zakes Mda and Phaswane Mpe, and postcolonial authors such as Margaret Atwood and Helon Habila. She has developed a parallel line of research focusing on modernist British fiction, with attention to writers Virginia Woolf and Samuel Beckett. Since 2010 she has been part of a series of research projects with researchers from the Universities of Cordoba and Granada, dedicated to the study of community and secrecy in literature.
Dolors Comas. Universidad Rovira i Virgili (Spain)
Dolors Comas was the guest lecturer on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November, in the courses "Feminist Theories" coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lola Martínez Pozo and Miguel Lorente. She holds a PhD in Filosofía y Letras from the University of Barcelona, and has postdoctoral training from the École des Hautes Études in Sciences Sociales and the Laboratoire d'Antropologie Sociale, Paris. She is a professor at the Rovira i Virgili University and President of the Fundació Nous Horitzons (FNH). Dolors Comas d'Argemir has been a member of the Parliament of Catalonia, councilwoman in the City Council of Tarragona and member of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia.
Jasmina Husanovic. Universidad de Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Jasmina Husanovic was the guest lecturer from the 21st to the 24th of November in the course "Gender, Art and Literatuer", coordinated by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and Beatriz Revelles Benavente. She is an Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her interests as an activist and researcher lie in the field of critical pedagogies, politics of witnessing, solidarity and equality, and the analysis of gender and class relations in cultural production and everyday life. From critiques of the identity politics of terror and various social practices of resistance in this regard, she is specifically interested in the possibility of an emancipatory praxis in the triangle art-theory-activism.
Dresda Méndez de la Brena. Universidad de Concordia (Canada)
Dresda Méndez de la Brena was the guest lecturer on the 23rd of November in the course Feminist Methodologies, coordinated by Rosa Medina Doménech. Feminist and activist, she holds a PhD in Women's Studies from the University of Granada and is a graduate of the GEMMA Master's program. She has worked in different feminist organizations both nationally and internationally. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Concordia (Canada). She is also engaged with the Erasmus Mundus Organization and EMA Women, organizing and implementing workshops on gender and intersectionality. Her research interests focus on emotions, material culture, queer/crip theory, new materialisms, affects, art and films on disability and chronic pain. She is the author of the thesis Corpomaterialidades del dolor: análisis de experiencias de mujeres con fibromialgia (2021) and co-coordinator of the book Researching with GEMMA, Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences (2022).
Eli Imaz. Universidad del País Vasco (Spain)
Eli Imaz was the guest lecturer on the 15th and the 16th of November in the course "Feminist Theories" coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Carmen Gregorio Gil, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lola Martínez Pozo and Miguel Lorente. She holds a degree in Political Science and Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1992) and a PhD in Social Anthropology from the UPV/EHU (2008). Her areas of research are feminist anthropology and gender relations, especially the transformations in the representations, models and exercise of motherhood, a subject on which she published the monograph Convertirse en madre. Etnografía del tiempo de gestación, Madrid, Feminismos-Cátedra. Her current research topic is the evolution of family forms and new parentalities (especially homoparentality), as well as the role of reproductive technologies in the representations of kinship.
Elena Casado Aparicio. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Elena Casado Aparico was the guest lecturer on the 23rd, 24th and 25th of November in the courses "Feminist Methodologies C" coordinated by Carmen Gregorio Gil and Ana Alcázar. She is a professor in the Department of Sociology: Methodoly and Theory of the Unviersidad Complutense de Madrid . Enthusiastic about teaching, she coordinates the "Health and Society" (Salud y Sociedad) project, linked to the subject she teaches at the Faculty of Nursing . Her lines of research revolve around the sociology of communication, gender relations, sociology of health and new teaching and research methodologies. Feminist commitment, quality teaching and an interest in language and the construction of meaning have been the three pillars in her career.
January 2023
CQ Quinan’s Seminars
CQ Quinan was an Erasmus Mundus visiting Scholar on the the 25th, 26th and 27th of January in the course "Case Studies II" and "Gender, Art and Literature" coordinated by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and Beatriz Revelles. Students were able to attend a seminar series on Trans Studies. As a researcher, CQ Quinan examines how anxieties around differences established by nationality and processes of racialization translate into queer, trans and gender-diverse bodies and subjectivities.
Visiting scholars
CQ Quinan. Universidad de Melbourne (Australia)
They are a lecturer at the University of Melbourne, where they specialize in the field of Trans Studies, Queer Theory, Postcolonial Studies and queer/feminist pedagogy, focusing on the analysis of how anxieties surrounding racial and national categories are transposed onto the bodies and subjectivities of trans, queer or gender diverse people. They co-edited the volume Homonationalism, Femonationalism, Ablenationalism: Critical Pedagogies Contexualised (Routledge, 2022) and are currently focusing on state interventions in identity politics and documentation.
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet. Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet was the guest lecturer on the 10th of January in the course "Gender, bodies and women" coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. She is Professor of Science History at the University of Cantabria. In this same institution, she directs since 2016 the Equality, Labor Conciliation adn Social Responsability Area. Her research focuses on the history of women and sexual difference, paying special attention to practices around health and nature in pre-modern Europe.
María Rosón. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
María Rosón was the guest lecturer on the 16th and the 17th of January in the course "Feminist History" coordinated by Rosa Medina Doménech and Margarita Birriel Salcedo. She holds a PhD in Art History from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She works as a Juan de la Cierva researcher at the University of Valencia (Department of Language Theory and Communication Sciences). She curated the exhibition José Ortiz Echagüe: representando mujeres, tipos y estereotipos (2010, CAM, Red Itiner) and co-curated the exhibition Mujeres bajo sospecha: memoria y sexualidad (2013, UNED). Her lines of research focus on visual and material culture, mainly from the Spanish twentieth century, in intersection with gender studies. She has published, with the publishing house Cátedra, Género, memoria y cultura visual en el primer franquismo (materiales cotidianos, más allá del arte).
Isabel Clúa. Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
Isabel Clúa was the guest lecturer on the 23rd of January in the course "Feminist Methodologies" coordinated by Milena Rodríguez. She holds a PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature (UAB), is a professor in the Department of Hispano-American Literature at the University of Seville and a researcher at ADHUC-Centro de Investigación Teoría, Género, Sexualidad. Her research work focuses mainly on the study of the mechanisms of gender and identity construction in European culture in the late nineteenth century, with special attention to the forms of dissidence, deviance and anomaly (which she has explored in the work of authors such as Rosalía de Castro, Emilia Pardo Bazán, Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent, Enrique Gómez Carrillo, Carmen de Burgos, Alberto Insúa o Álvaro Retana) as well as to the figure of the show woman and the emerging notion of celebrity, a subject on which she has published the monograph Cuerpos de escándalo. Celebridad femenina en el fin-de-siècle (2016).
María Paula Martín Salván. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
María Paula Martín Salván was the guest lecturer on the 23rd and the 24th of January in the courses "Gender, Art and Literature" and "Case Studies II" coordinated by Beatriz Revelles and Adelina Sánchez. She has been a professor at the University of Córdoba since 2005. Her teaching focuses on literature, critical theory and cultural studies in the field of English-speaking countries. Her research interests include modern and contemporary literatures in English, with special emphasis on North American literature. Since 2010 she is part of a research team that includes researchers from the universities of Cordoba and Granada, dedicated to the study of the concepts of community and secrecy in literature.

Krystyna Dzwonkowska. Universidad de Lodz (Poland)
Krystyna Dzwonkowska was the guest lecturer on the 31st of January in the course "Gender, bodies and women" coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. She holds a PhD in Humanities and is an assistant professor at the Department of Sociology of Gender and Social Movements within the Department of Sociology of Social Structures and Changes at the Institute of Sociology, University of Lodz. She focuses on Gender Studies, more specifically on sociology of gender. She is the author of the doctoral dissertation devoted to cultural models and patterns of femininity and masculinity, as well as motherhood and fatherhood: ¿Tradicional o moderna? Patrones de maternidad y paternidad en Polonia. Her current interests are reproductive rights and health from a gender perspective.
February 2023
On February 3rd, a crochet workshop was organized by the GEMMA students in the Seminar 2 of the Aula Seminatio 2 of the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC). At the workshop, students received materials and directions to get started in this craft, to which they dedicated an afternoon as a group.
Visit to the Archeological and Ethnological Museam
On February 4th, students visited the Archeological and Ethnological Museum of Granada, as part of "Gender and Archeology" course, coordinated by Margarita Sánchez Romero. During the tour they were able to reflect on the construction and presentation of gender roles, care-giving work and the history and function of objects.
Visiting scholars
Christabelle Sethna. Universidad de Ottawa (Canada)
Christabelle Sethna was the guest lecturer on the 1st of January in the course "Gender, bodies and women" coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. She teaches in the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Institute for Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa. Her research focuses on the History of Sex Education, Contraception, Abortion, History of Sexuality, Postcolonial Studies and Women's History. She is currently working on the history of the birth control pill in Canada between 1960-1980 and its impact on young, university and unmarried women, as well as "abortion tourism" or the journey undertaken by women to access abortion clinics within Canada.
Paloma González Marcén. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Paloma González Marcén was the guest lecturer on the 8th, the 9th and the 10th of February in the course "Gender and Archeology" coordinated by Margarita Sánchez. She is an archaeologist and professor in the Departamento de Prehistoria at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and co-director of the Centre d'Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria from the UAB. Her lines of research are the Archaeology of Women and Gender Relations, Feminist Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Public Archaeology, Didactics of Heritage, Heritage and Historical Memory and Recent Prehistory of the Mediterranean.
Belén Agrela Romero. Universidad de Jaén (Spain)
Belén Agrela Romero was the guest lecturer on the 13th and the 14th of January in the course "Social Work and Social Intervention with a Gendered perspective" coordinated by Amalia Morales Villena. She is a professor of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Jaén. She is local coordinator of the Migration Studies Doctoral Programme (UGR-UJA-UPO) and member of the “Care Management and evaluation of aid policies related to chronicity, aging and Palliative Care" ("Gestión de cuidados y evaluación de políticas asistenciales en cronicidad, envejecimiento y cuidados paliativos”) research group. Her research interests include Gender and Feminism, Social Work, Migration, Social Action Policies, Care Management, Gender Violence and Education.
Dresda Méndez de la Brena. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Concordia (Canada)
Dresda Méndez participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on February 15th as part of the subject "Gender, Art and Literature" and "Case Studies II" coordinated by Adelina Sánchez and Beatriz Revelles. Dresda is a feminist, activist and PhD in Women's Studies from the University of Granada. She has worked in different feminist organizations both nationally and internationally. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Concordia (Canada). She is involved with the Erasmus Mundus Organisation and EMA Women, organizing and implementing workshops on gender and intersectionality. Her research interests focus on emotions, material culture, queer/crip theory, new materialisms, affects, art and films on disability and chronic pain. She is the author of the thesis Corpomaterialidades del dolor: análisis de experiencias de mujeres con fibromialgia (2021) and co-coordinator of the book Researching with GEMMA, Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences (2022).
Agostina Invernizzi. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Agostina Invernizzi participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on February 20th as part of the subjects Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Agostina has a degree in Combined Arts (Film and Theatre) from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and is a GEMMA alumni. She is currently doing a PhD in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices at the University of Granada, where she is studying the figuration of affective communities of women in classic cinema in Argentina, Mexico and Spain from feminist, affective and decolonial studies theories.
Marek Wojtaszek. Universidad de Lodz (Poland)
Marek Wojtaszek was the guest lecturer on the 22nd, 23th and 24th of February in the course "Case Studies II", coordinated by Adelina Sánchez and Beatriz Revelles. He is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political and International Studies, University of Lodz, Poland; currently affiliated with the Department of Transatlantic and Media Studies and the Center for Women's Studies. He is an expert on Gender, Science, Technology and Environment.
March 2023
"Masculinidades disidentes" Film Series
From March until April 2023, the "Dissident Masculinities" ("Masculinidades disidentes") Film Series was held at the "Espacio V Centenario" Building. Organized by the GEMMA Master, the Hombres por la Igualdad Network and the Equality Unit of the University of Granada, the film series aims to screen fiction and documentary films that explore issues concerning gender, including gender violence and lines of flight from hegemony. The films screened were, in order of screening: "Prisoners" (USA, 2013), on Monday, March 6, "A Single Man" (USA, 2009), on Monday, March 20, and "En/Femme" (Spain, 2018), on April 17. In all sessions, a collaborative dynamic was approached in which students were in charge of presenting the film and preparing a post-screening debate, with the aim of creating a critical space for reflection on gender and its audiovisual representations. In addition, the attendance of people from diverse backgrounds was encouraged, with the intention of constructing a heterogeneous narrative with different points of view.
Activities on the occasion of March 8
On the occasion of March 8 "International Women's Day", a banner workshop was held at the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC) for the 8M demonstration of the same day. Organized by the GEMMA students, the meeting aimed to collectively build a space for dialogue and preparations for the protest. It was open to the public, maintaining the Master's commitment to transcend the academy and participate in social struggles in the streets.

"Memoria histórica y género" Seminar
On March 16th, the "Historic Memory and Gender. Repression and Exhumations from an interdisciplinary perspective" ("Memoria histórica y Género. Represión y exhumaciones desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar" Seminar was held at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology, coordinated by Rosa Medina Doménech, Alina Danet Danet and Lucía Expósito Cívico. Students were able to watch the "Pico Reja. La verdad que la tierra esconde" documentary by Remedios Malvárez and Arturo Andújar and then participate in a round table discussion with the participation of Gracia Marqueda Fernández, María Rosa Aránega Navarro, Silvia González Alcalde, Rita Ortega Ruiz and Lucía Expósito Cívico. The day was closed by the singing and reading of Concha Medina.
Tours around Granada
On March 17th and 21st, as part of the subject "Género, Raza y Clase en la América colonial" coordinated by Professor María Ángeles Gálvez, the GEMMA students attended two guided tours: "The Realejo neighbourhoud: Women and History" and "The Granada of Mariana Pineda". They had the opportunity to reflect on the role of women in the construction of the history of the city of Granada, the value of their work and caregiving.

Presentation of the First volume of the Researching with GEMMA Series: "Feminist Research Alliances: Affective Convergences"
On March 24th, the presentation of the first volume of the "Researching with GEMMA Series", entitled "Feminist Research Alliances: Affective Convergences" and edited by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa and Dresda E. Méndez de la Brena, was held at the Francisco A. Muñoz Muñoz Room Conference of the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC), as part of the EUTERPE-GEMMA Synergies meeting. The new GEMMA Master's web page was also presentedby Omayra Herero Soto, GEMMA Consortium Technical coordinator, and Elvira Aguilera García, GEMMA office intern.

"EUTERPE-GEMMA Synergies" Meeting
On March 23rd-25th, the "EUTERPE-GEMMA Synergies" meeting was held at the Women's and Gender Studies Institute of the University of Granada, bringing together representatives of the "EUTERPE: 'European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Doctoral Network)" and the "Erasmus Mundus Master in Women and Gender Studies GEMMA" European projects.
Visiting scholars
Ángelo Néstore. Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Ángelo Néstore was guest lecturer on the 13th of March in the course "Case Studies I" coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez SalasNon-binary artist. Their work revolves around the poetic, understood as a queer space in which poetry is hybridized with disciplines such as music, performance or the performing arts. In 2020, they won the Emilio Prados International Poetry Prize, promoted by the Centro Cultural Generación del 27, thanks to the collection of poems Hágase mi voluntad (Pre-Textos, 2020) and the V Premio Espasa es Poesía with the work Deseo de ser árbol (2022). He founded the poetry publishing house Letraversal and co-directs the festival Irreconciliables. Poeta Cíborg Pecador is their first poetic-musical experiment.
Celia Prados. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
Celia Prados was guest lecturer on the 30th of March in the course "Case Studies I" coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez Salas. She holds a PhD from the Programa de Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas of the University of Granada (2015), after studying the MA Estudios Migratorios, Desarrollo e Intervención Social (2007) and Law (2005). She was awarded the Prize for Best Thesis in Public Law by the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence of Granada (2017). Since 2022 she has been directing the Leonor de Guzmán Chair of Women's Studies at the University of Córdoba. She considers that the dissemination of science and teaching is a fundamental pillar to understand Law as an instrument of social transformation.
April 2023
Documentary screening and discussion: "La chispa de la pradera"
On April 19, in the Conference Room of the Centre for Scientific Documentation (CDC), students attended the screening of the "La chispa de la pradera" documentary (2023), directed by Bernardita Llanos, professor at MLA Brooklyn College and Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar of the GEMMA Master's degree. Afterwards, they engaged in a discussion with the documentary filmmaker and professor.

Visiting scholars
Mª del Carmen Agulló Díaz. Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Mª del Carmen Agulló Díaz was the guest lecturer on the 13th and 14th of April in the course "Socioeducative transformations" coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. She is a professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Valencia. Her research interests are the history of women's education, especially during the Second Republic and the Franco dictatorship, the use of new sources in educational history and the recovery of Valencian historical-educational heritage. She has published several books and articles, including Mestres valencianes republicanes and Maestros valencianos bajo el franquismo.
Red Hombres por la Igualdad
The "Red de Hombres por la Igualdad" network was invited on the 24th of April to the "Socioeducative Tranformations" course coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán. The "Red Hombres por la Igualdad" network defines itself as a work team and a circle of friends to continue learning and advancing in the deconstruction of hegemonic masculinity, raising awareness among citizens and, above all, among men. To this end, they create spaces for debate and reflection through dialogue, film, literature and activism.
May 2023
"Mujeres que luchan" Exhibition
From May 29th to June 2nd, the Faculty of Artshosted the "Mujeres que luchan" (Women fighiting) exhibition, created by the Espigadoras Collective. This exhibition included the "Mujeres que luchan" collage and the "Escenas de una vida feminista" (Scenes of a Feminist life) feminist artivism installation. This exhibition proposed to recognize our struggles, to break the wall that separates academy from the streets, to make a kind of art that bring us justice. The art installation invited to enter into dialogue with feminist literary canons, revaluing your/their/our realities.

Visiting scholars
María Alonso. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
María Alonso was the guest lecturer on the 23rd of May in the course "Feminst Perspectives on Social Anthropology: Looking and writting from feminist ethnographies" coordinated by Anda Alcázar Campos, María Espinosa Spínola and Carmen Gregorio Gil. She holds a PhD in Anthropology and Social Work and she is a member of the research group " Otras: Perspectivas feministas en la Investigación" (Others: Feminist Perspectives in Research).
June 2023
Think Tank:"Feminist Response-able Labs: Interacting Literary and Visual Cultures for Social Action"
The Think Tank: "Feminist Response-able Labs: Interacting Literary and Visual Cultures for Social Action" took place on June 24th and 25th at Goldsmiths College, University of London (UK). Participants included Mark Johnson and Suzanne Clisby, as representatives of the Global GRACE project, Adelina Sánchez Espinosa, PI of the "La interacción entre culturas literarias y visuales como agente de intervención social" project and Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Victor Seidler and Jasmina Lukić as representatives of the GEMMA Master. This meeting brought together different laboratories that intersect work in the classroom, in collaboration with associations at an international level, covering topics such as art-politics, loss, ethical research or the transnational encounter of literatures.

Visiting scholars
Marta Ortiz Canseco. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Marta Ortiz Canseco was the guest lecturer on June 2nd, in the course "Feminist approach on the dicourse analysis: language and literature", coordinated by Ana Gallego Cuiñas. She is a professor in the area of Hispanic American Literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She was Associate Professor at the University of Alcalá and worked as Adjunct Professor at the International University of La Rioja. She has curated the exhibition "Libros y autores en el virreinato del Perú. El legado de la cultura letrada hasta la Independencia” (Books and authors in the Viceroyalty of Peru. The legacy of literate culture until Independence), on display at the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid from September 2021 to January 2022. She also curated the exhibition “La biblioteca del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, 1539-1616”, which was exhibited at the National Library of Spain, and at the Botí Foundation in Cordoba in 2016.
Mabel Moraña. Washington University in Saint Louis (US)
Mabel Moraña was the guest lecturer on June 2nd, in the course "Feminist approach on the dicourse analysis: language and literature", coordinated by Ana Gallego Cuiñas. She holds the William H. Gass Chair in Humanities at Washington University in Saint Louis, where she teaches courses on a wide range of topics, from colonial studies to the present, focusing on the baroque, nationalism and modernity. She is a specialist in cultural criticism and theory, contemporary Latin American narrative, postcolonial studies, intellectual history, gender and violence, among others.
Carolina Fernández Cordero. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Carolina Fernández Cordero was the guest lecturer on June 5th, in the course "Feminist approach on the dicourse analysis: language and literature", coordinated by Ana Gallego Cuiñas.She is a professor in the area of Spanish Literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Previously, she has worked as an editor at various publishing houses, and as a documentalist and cataloguer at the National Library of Spain. She has taught at the University of Burgos and has been a visiting researcher at the University of Las Palmas, Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts) and the University of Havana. Since 2010, her work focuses on Spanish narrative, theater and music between the second half of the 19th century and the present from the perspective of social history, literary sociology and gender studies.