September 2023
Welcome Session
On the 25th of September, Omayra Herrero, Technical Coordinator of GEMMA Consortium, and Samuel Rubio, Technical Coordinator of GEMMA Granada, welcomed the 17th edition students on their first year of Master and the 16th edition students who started their mobility year in Granada. During the session, they presented all the necessary information for their stay in Granada and the contact details for administrative or academic formalities throughout the year. In addition, the students were able to ask questions and resolve doubts about the first days of classes.
October 2023
Visit to the Provincial Historical Archive of Granada
On the 23rd of October, the GEMMA students visited the Provincial Historical Archive of Granada as part of the Historia del Feminismo: Historiografía Feminista course. The visit was organised by Professor Margarita Birriel and allowed students to have a practical experience with the archive, which collects, preserves, organizes and makes available to the public documents produced by the public administrations in the province of Granada.
Intensive Course with Professor Luz Elena Luna Monart
On October 26th and 31st, the GEMMA Master organized an intensive course with the Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar Luz Elena Luna Monart (Bellas Artes. Institución Universitaria del Valle, Colombia) on the topic: Introduction to the theme of exile with racialized populations and the arts as mediators in these processes of reconstruction of women's lives in the new urban context. The course was open to all Master's students, PhD students of the Women's Studies, Gender Discourses and Practices doctoral programme, faculty and other members of the GEMMA community. The seminar was developed over two working sessions where critical readings were addressed to understand the intersections of gender in processes of migration or internal exile due to war, including ethnicity, socio-cultural identity and the territorial ascription of origin (rural) and arrival (urban) of racialized women. With the example of women exiled by the Colombian armed conflict. This through the political and ethical place of the arts as mediators in these social processes, especially in processes of reparation. Based on these themes, on the readings and on the experiences of the students, a critical debate was encouraged around academic knowledge and popular and everyday knowledge in relation to rural and urban contexts that are transformed and hybridized by the processes of exile and dispossession of adult women.
[EDITA] Audiovisual Social Contest
The Master GEMMA collaborated in the Audiovisual Social Contest [EDITA]. EDITA is a festival of short films of social transformation that aims, through audiovisual creation, to increase critical capacity, involve citizens in the promotion of rights and that viewers feel called and challenged to action for social change. This contest is organized by Laeditora Social Audiovisual and ASAD (Asociación Solidaria Andaluza de Desarrollo) with the aim of learning about and disseminating new social imaginaries, looking from other perspectives and approaching non-hegemonic proposals that are committed to gender equity, cultural diversity and action in the face of the climate crisis.

Visiting Scholars
Luz Elena Luna Monart. Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia).
Luz Elena Luna Monart was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on October 26th and 31st as part of an intensive course entitled Introduction to the theme of exile with racialized populations and the arts as mediators in these processes of reconstruction of women's lives in the new urban context offered to all GEMMA students. Luz has a PhD in Humanities, in the line of Gender Studies from the Universidad del Valle and is specialized in education, with emphasis in popular education and community development and social communication and journalism from the Universidad del Valle. She is currently a research professor at the School of Scenic Arts of the Departmental Institute of Fine Arts. For more than two decades she has been conducting research with women from the Colombian Pacific Coast who have been displaced from their territories due to the armed conflict and who have rebuilt their life project through the arts.
Ezra Chambal Nhampoca. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique)
Ezra Chambal Nhampoca was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on October 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 11th as part of the Gender, Culture and Development: Africa course coordinated by Roser Manzanera-Ruiz and Soledad Vieitez-Cerdeño. Ezra is a leading figure in the field of linguistics and education in Mozambique. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (2018), a Master's degree in Linguistics (2010) and a Bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Literature (2005) from Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique), where she is an Associate Professor, attached to the Bantu Languages Section, Department of Languages. As a lecturer she has taught subjects such as Lexicology, Lexicography, Changana Language, Comparative Linguistics, Study Methods, Terminology and Database of the Bantu Language VI and Translation and New Technologies.
Roghayeh Rezaei. GEMMA Voices University of Ottawa (Canada)
Roghayeh Regazei participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on the 10th of October as part of the course Case Studies II coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Her master’s thesis was titled Policies of Fertility and Women’s Resistance in Iran. Roghayeh is currently doing her PhD in Feminism and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa. Moreover, she also collaborates as a journalist writing for Iranwire. During her presentation to the second year students, she reflected about ‘being an exiled feminist and fighting for Woman, life, freedom on occupied lands’.
Jesús Martínez Sevilla. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Jesús Martínez participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on the 16th of October as part of the subject Case Studies II coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Jesús is a research professor at the University of Granada. His doctoral research focuses on studying, through ethnographic and feminist methodology, the gender inequalities that characterize the experience of people diagnosed with severe mental disorders. In parallel, he is interested in the philosophy of psychiatry, the implications of feminist epistemology for social science and specifically for ethnographic methodology, the use of digital technologies in research and the inequalities created around the social organization of care.
Susana Rostagnol. Universidad de la República (UDELAR) (Uruguay)
Susana Rostagnol was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on October 23rd, 24th and 30th in the course Teorías Feministas: Igualdad Diferencia y Diversidad, coordinated by Ana Alcázar Campos, Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Lorena Valenzuela Vela and Miguel Lorente. Susana holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires and is a research professor at the Department of Anthropology of the University of the Republic (Uruguay). For more than three decades she has been conducting research related to women's sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the anti-gender discourses that are created to contest the attainment of those rights.
Rocío Medina Martín. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Rocío Medina Martín, guest lecturer on the 25th, 26th and 27th of October as part of the course History of Feminism: Women's Movements in the World, coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán and Teresa Ortega López. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the area of Philosophy of Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Her interests include: critical theories of human rights, new critical theories of social emancipation, postcolonial and decolonial epistemologies and, in particular, genealogies and proposals of decolonial feminisms. She is closely linked to the historical struggle of the Saharahui people as an activist and academic, having completed her doctoral thesis on Saharahui women in the refugee camps of Tindouf (Algeria), from the perspective of decolonial feminisms.
CQ Quinan. University of Melbourne (Australia)
CQ Quinan was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on October 30th and 31st as part of the Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II courses coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Quinan joined the Gender Studies team at Utrecht University in 2014 after teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, where they obtained their PhD. They are currently a SeniorLecturer in Gender Studies, Culture and Communication at the University of Melbourne (Australia). They work at the intersection of postcolonial studies and critical trans theory and collaborates on the GIRARE project with Dr. Marjolein van den Brink (Law, Utrecht University). Quinan has published on issues of violence and necropolitics, as well as on the literature and film produced around the Franco-Algerian war and its postcolonial repercussions. Their teaching and research interests include postcolonial studies, transgender studies, queer theory, critical security studies, 20th and 21st century literature and film, and feminist/queer pedagogy.
November 2023
Intensive Seminar with Professor Susana Rostagnol Dalmas: Why is my research feminist?
On the 2nd of November, the GEMMA Master's organized an Intensive Seminar with Professor Susana Rostagnol Dalmas on the topic: Why is my research feminist? Open to Master's students, PhD students of the Women's Studies, gender discourses and practices doctoral programme, faculty and other members of the GEMMA community. The seminar was developed around the debate about how and why our research is/becomes feminist. Through examples of different research developed by the lecturer, an epistemological and theoretical debate about this question was generated.
Susana Rostagnol holds a PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires and is a research professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of the Republic (Uruguay). For more than three decades she has been conducting research related to women's sexual and reproductive rights, as well as the anti-gender discourses that are created to contest the attainment of those rights.
Visit to the NGO Acción en Red
On November 8th, the first year students visited the facilities of Acción en Red, a Spanish NGO that seeks to contribute to social change and that has gender equality as one of its main lines of intervention, as well as combating gender violence. During the visit, the students were able to learn about the work of this NGO and exchange ideas about the projects they support, the issues they deal with and the results obtained in so many years of social action. The visit was part of the subject Movimientos de Mujeres en el Mundo, coordinated by Victoria Robles Sanjuán and Teresa Ortega López.
Opening Ceremony and Presentation of the new GEMMA Local Coordinator in Granada Beatriz Revelles Benavente
On November 20th, the opening session took place in the Salón de Actos Francisco A. Muñoz, in the Centro de Documentación Científica. This meeting was an opportunity to get to know some of the professors better, as well as their research lines and methodologies with a regard to the future choice of TFM tutoring. It was also an opportunity to meet the new local coordinator Beatriz Revelles. The conference ended with a dialogue between the coordination and the students in which doubts and impressions of the first months of the academic year were discussed.

Presentation of the book "(In) visible acts of resistance in the wilight of the Franco regime" by Aurora G. Morcillo (1962-2020). In memoriam.
On November 23rd, the presentation of the book "(In) visible acts of resistance in the wilight of the Franco regime" by Aurora G. Morcillo (1962-2020) was held in the Salón de Actos Francisco A. Muñoz Muñoz of the Centro de Documentación Científica. Aurora was a professor of Spanish History and Gender Studies at the Florida International University. The event was organized by the GEMMA Master's Degree in collaboration with the Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género and coordinated by the Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar Jo Labanyi (New York University) and Margarita Birriel Salcedo (University of Granada).
November 25th Activities
The GEMMA students wanted to participate in the awareness-raising and social denunciation activities for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on November 25th. For this reason they created a small block in the demonstration organized by the platform 8M and 25N of Granada.
Visiting Scholars
Dolors Comas. Universidad Rovira y Virgili (Spain)
Dolors Comas was the guest lecturer on November 6th and 7th as part of the subject Teorías Feministas: Igualdad Diferencia y Diversidad, coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lorena Valenzuela and Miguel Lorente. Dolors holds a PhD in Philosophy and Arts from the University of Barcelona, and has postdoctoral training from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and the Laboratoire d'Antropologie Sociale, Paris. She is currently Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Rovira i Virgili University and President of the Fundació Nous Horitzons (FNH). Moreover, Dolors Comas has been a member of the Catalan Parliament, a councilor in Tarragona City Council and a member of the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia.
Ángela Harris. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Ángela Harris participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on November 8th and 10th as part of the Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II courses coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Angela Harris holds a BA in Art history (Granada University), an MPhil in Art Therapy (Complutense University), the GEMMA double Erasmus Mundus Master and a double International PhD in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices (UGR) and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (University of Bologna). She has been a National Research Fellow (FPU) and is now UGR-Postdoc and lecturer in the Archaeology Department. Recent publications are "Artherapy, Queer Failure and Horizontal Learning Experience in Students' Postmemory Family Narratives" (co-author). "Beyond Being: Dissident (ificatory) Responses towards a Heritage of Becoming" and "Contesting power in public art spaces. Liminal p(l)aces, diverting methodologies and Case observant participation in Valor y Cambio".
Samuel Rubio Coronado. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Samuel Rubio participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on November 13th as part of the Case Studies II course coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Samuel is part of the research group 'Otras, perspectivas feministas en la investigación social' at the University of Granada. His research focuses on the analysis of rural depopulation through feminist ethnography, trying to articulate synergies and connections between different policy levels, from everyday politics to institutional politics. In addition, his research interests are interwoven with implementing the feminist perspective in community social work, the study of spatiality, the design and implementation of mechanisms for citizen participation and methodological innovation in social research.
Shilpi Gupta. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Shilpi Gupta participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on November 14th as part of the subjects Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. She has recently defended her PhD and she is also a freelance Spanish tutor, Interpreter, and translator. She presented her Master research work (MPHIL) on a comparative study on Chicana and South Asian Diaspora’s writing "Negociando frontera como un sitio de un/belongingness en los textos de Gloria Anzaldua y Taslima Nasreen" at Jawaharlal Nehru University. And she continued researching during GEMMA focusing on South Asian Diasporic literature from the University of Granada, Spain and the University of Bologna, Italy, in which I worked on the themes of Homeland, in-betweenness, gender, race, global feminism. In her PhD, she has worked from a gender and caste perspective on South Asian diasporic writings from Instituto de las Mujeres, University of Granada, Spain.
Dresda Méndez de la Brena. GEMMA Voices Universidad de Concordia (Canada)
Dresda Méndez participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on November 14th and 16th as part of the subjects; Metodologías Feministas: Métodos Interdisciplinares en Estudios de las Mujeres; Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II coordinated by Rosa Medina Doménech and Adelina Sánchez. Dresda is a feminist, activist and PhD in Women's Studies from the University of Granada. She has worked in different feminist organizations both nationally and internationally. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Concordia (Canada). She is involved with the Erasmus Mundus Organisation and EMA Women, organizing and implementing workshops on gender and intersectionality. Her research interests focus on emotions, material culture, queer/crip theory, new materialisms, affects, art and films on disability and chronic pain. She is the author of the thesis Corpomaterialidades del dolor: análisis de experiencias de mujeres con fibromialgia (2021) and co-coordinator of the book Researching with GEMMA, Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences (2022).
Lorena Valenzuela Vela. Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)
Lorena Valenzuela was a guest lecturer on October 30th; November 13th, 20th and 24th and February 12th and 13th as part of the course Feminist Theories: Equality, Difference and Diversity, coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lorena Valenzuela and Miguel Lorente. Lorena has a degree in Social Work, a GEMMA Degree and a PhD in Women's Studies, Gender Discourses and Practices. At the moment, she is an Associate Professor at the University of Cádiz. She is also part of the research group Otras. Feminist Perspectives in Social Research at the University of Granada. Her research interests include social work, gender inequalities, prisons, women's studies and prison systems.
Jo Labanyi. New York University (US)
Jo Labanyi was an Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar on November 21st, 23rd, 27th and 28th as part of the courses: Historia del Feminismo: Historiografía Feminista; Gender, Art and Literature y Case Studies II, coordinated by Rosa Medina Doménech and Adelina Sánchez. Jo Labanyi is a professor in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Language at New York University and a specialist in 19th and 20th century Spanish literature. An expert on film and visual culture, particularly during the Franco dictatorship, she has also delved into gender studies, popular culture and memory of the Spanish Civil War. Her numerous publications include Constructing Identity in Contemporary Spain: Theoretical Debates and Cultural Practice (Oxford University Press, 2002), Género y modernización en la novela realista española (Cátedra, 2011) and the collective book Engaging the Emotions in Spanish Culture and History (Vanderblit University Press, 2016).
Esther Mayoko. Tufts-Skidmore University (Spain)
Esther Mayoko, guest lecturer on the 27th and 28th of November as part of the course Feminist Theories: Equality, Difference and Diversity, coordinated by Aurora Álvarez Veinguer, Ana Alcázar Campos, Lorena Valenzuela and Miguel Lorente. She holds a PhD in Philosophy of Science from the University of Santiago de Compostela, is a professor at Tufts-Skidmore University and is part of the R+D project "CSIC Voces múltiples, saberes plurales y tecnologías médicas". Approaching the body as a political category, she has researched the impact of public policies on trans and racialized people. Aside from her academic work, she has never ceased her feminist and sexual dissidence activism, and is currently active in the Conciencia-Afro collective and belongs to the Afrofeminist network Red.Afrofem. We talked about speculative feminism as a form of resistance to the colonial archive.
Acción en Red
They are an Andalusian NGO whose main objective is to advance towards greater equality and social justice. They are committed to more democratic societies for which they offer means of collective involvement that contribute to the consolidation of an active, critical, organized, autonomous and co-responsible citizenship. In this sense, volunteering and social participation are the driving force and heart of their action. Its purpose is to encourage social transformations, the development of solidarity in all its dimensions and the guarantee of human rights, with care at the center. More information on their website.
December 2023
Fernando Blanco Conference (Universidad de Bucknell, US)
On December 13th, the conference "Subjetividad Trans en la novela chilena contemporánea: Trabajo sexual y trabajo simbólico dos miradas al YO" was held in the Salón de Actos of the Centro de Documentación Científica, with the presence of the Erasmus Mundus visiting Scholar Fernando A. Blanco, associate professor in the Department of Spanish at Bucknell University, specialized in 20th and 21st century Latin American literature, culture, visual arts and film. During the conference Fernando presented two novels: “Inacabada” by Ariel Florencia Richards (2023) and “La misma nota, forever” by Iván Monalisa Ojeda (2014).

Bernardita Llanos Conference (Brooklyn College, CUNY, US)
On December 14th in the Salón de Actos of the Centro de Documentación Científica, the conference "Documentary as Feminist Activism: Spark in the Meadow (dir. Bernardita Llanos, 2023) and Violeta Molyneux's art performance short, Será feminista o no será" was held, with the Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar and director of the film Bernardita Llanos (Brooklyn College, CUNY) in conversation with Ángela Rivera Izquierdo (University of Granada). The students had the opportunity to attend the screening of the documentary and the short film and afterwards they could participate in the conversation with Bernardita Llanos, documentary filmmaker and professor, mediated by the PhD student Ángela Rivera.

Visiting Scholars
Fernando Blanco. Bucknell University (US)
Fernando Blanco was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on December 11th and 14th as part of the courses Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II, coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Fernando is an Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish at Bucknell University. He specializes in 20th and 21st century Latin American literature, culture, visual arts and film. His research examines narratives of memory in the Southern Cone and Central America. In the field of sexuality studies, he focuses on the textual representation of sexual minorities and analyzes the struggle for sexual citizenship. His recent publications include "Young and Queer: Politics of Memory and Sexuality in Contemporary Chilean Cinema." (2022) and "Lemebel en el 18/0. Todos somos estallido: utopía, temporalidad y revolución" (2022).
Bernardita Llanos. Brooklyn College of CUNY (US)
Bernardita Llanos was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on December 11th, 15th and 18th as part of the courses Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II, coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Bernardita is Professor of Latin American culture, film and literature in the Modern Languages and Literatures Department at Brooklyn College. She received her Ph.D. in Hispanic and Luso-Brasilian Literatures and Linguistics from the University of Minnesota. Professor Llanos is currently the co-chair of the Southern Cone Studies Section in the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) and has been the president and vice president of the Association of Gender and Sexualities Studies (AEGS, former AILFH). Her research focuses on gender and authoritarianism, especially the legacy of the dictatorships in the Southern Cone, namely, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Professor Llanos’s current book project on the feminist surge in Chile, draws from the fourth way of feminism to unveil systemic and structural oppressions that cut across institutions and cultural practices.
January 2024
Online conference Laura Scarabelli. Università degli Studi di Milano Statale.
On January 26th Professor Laura Scarabelli gave a conference on the work of Diamela Eltit, as part of the subject Metodologías Feministas: Métodos Interdisciplinares en Estudios de las Mujeres coordinated by Milena Rodríguez. Laura is Associate Professor of Latin American Literature in the Department of Foreign Language and Literature at the Università degli Studi di Milano Statale. Her research focuses on the representation of the black and mulatto in Cuban anti-slavery narrative and on the narrative work of Alejo Carpentier from the theories of imaginary perspective. She is also interested in the study of modernity and post-modernity in Latin America. Her research examines the narrative of memory in the Southern Cone and focuses on the literary production of the Chilean writer Diamela Eltit.
Visiting Scholars
Débora Godoy Izquierdo. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Débora Godoy was the guest lecturer on January 9th as part of the Case Studies II course coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Débora is a professor at the University of Granada (lecturer/researcher) and is part of the Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment. Her lines of research include: health promotion, adoption of healthy habits and lifestyles; quality of life, wellbeing and happiness; prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of illness, lifestyle modification, psychosocial aspects of chronic illness; health and wellbeing in perimenopause and postmenopause; psychological skills and abilities in performance sport, women and sport.
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet. Universidad de Cantabria (Spain)
Montserrat Cabré i Pairet was the guest lecturer on January 11th as part of the course Gender, Bodies and Women coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. Montserrat holds a PhD in Geography and History in the area of History of Science in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology at the University of Cantabria. She has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a visiting scholar at Harvard and Cambridge Universities. She is also the author and co-author of dozens of books, monographs and articles on the history of science and the role of women in science.
Cristina Gámez. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
Cristina Gámez was the guest lecturer on January 16th as part of the Gender, Art and Literature course coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Cristina is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Cordoba, where she teaches courses on Literature and Cultures in the English language at undergraduate and postgraduate level. She belongs to the SICA Research Group GRACO: Studies in Literature, Criticism and Culture and is a researcher on the project "Interfaces: Representaciones de la Vulnerabilidad Humana en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial", as well as co-IP in the project "Representaciones de la vulnerabilidad como elemento de exclusión o cohesión social: precariedad y discapacidad en los discursos de ficción en lengua inglesa (s. XX y XXI)". Her research interests include: English language literature, cultural studies, disability studies and the fourth industrial revolution.
Zelda Alice Franceschi. Università di Bologna (Italy)
Zelda Alice was the guest lecturer on January 17th and 19th as part of the course Medicalization and Suffering coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. Zelda is an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna where she teaches History of Anthropology, Anthropology of the Americas and Cultural Anthropology. Since 2004 she has been working in Chaco (Argentina) among wichi communities. Moreover, she is studying natives’ autobiographies, the Anthropology of Nutrition, Material Culture and the Relationship between Writing and Orality, the relationship between indigenous-mission-mecanization. She has also studied the birth and the construction of Anthropology and in particular the History of American Anthropology.
Jasmina Husanovic. University of Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Jasmina Husanovic was the guest lecturer on January 17th and 18th as part of the courses Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II, coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Jasmina is a Full Professor of Cultural and Gender Studies at the University of Tuzla, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Her research interests are in cultural and political theory and praxis dealing with the politics of witnessing, equality and solidarity, governance of life and culture of trauma, as well as emancipatory politics with a focus on intersecting public spaces of cultural and knowledge production (critical pedagogies in art, education, and activism). She has published widely on these themes in the post-Yugoslav region and internationally. In the last 25 years, she has been closely involved in social and political struggles and activist initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina and former Yugoslavia which fight against violence and inequality.
Elena Casado Aparicio. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)
Elena Casado was the guest lecturer on January 17th, 18th and 19th as part of the subject Metodologías Feministas: Métodos Interdisciplinares en Estudios de las Mujeres II coordinated by Carmen Gregorio. Elena is a professor in the Department of Sociology: Methodology and Theory at the Complutense University of Madrid and a member of the Sociología Ordinaria group. Enthusiastic about teaching, she coordinates the Health and Society project, linked to the subject she teaches in the Faculty of Nursing. Her lines of research revolve around the sociology of communication, gender relations, the sociology of health and new teaching and research methodologies. Feminist commitment, the joy for teaching and an interest in language and the construction of meaning have been three constants in her career.
Paula Martín Salván. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
Paula Martín Salván was the guest lecturer on January 22nd and 23rd as part of the courses Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II, coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Paula is a professor at the University of Córdoba, teaching literature, critical theory and cultural studies in the field of English-speaking countries. She has also been visiting professor at the universities of Aalborg, Denmark (2006) and Ludwig-Maximilians in Munich, Germany (2010). Since 2016 she has been a guest lecturer on the GEMMA Master's programme. Her research focuses on modern and contemporary literature in English, with a special emphasis on American literature.
Paula Pérez Sanz. Universidad de La Rioja (Spain)
Paula Pérez was the guest lecturer on January 24th and 25th as part of the course Feminist Metodologías Feministas: Métodos Interdisciplinares en Estudios de las Mujeres II coordinated by Carmen Gregorio Gil. Paula holds a PhD in Women's Studies, Gender Discourses and Practices and a degree in Sociology and Social Anthropology. She is also an associate lecturer at the University of La Rioja and is part of the research group Sociological Analysis and Social Change. Her research focuses on urban anthropology and the right to the city from a gender perspective and feminist theories.
María Jesús Santesmases. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)
María Jesús Santesmases was the guest lecturer on January 25th as part of the course Gender, bodies and women coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. María Jesús holds a PhD in Chemistry (University of Madrid) and is a Research Professor of the Spanish National Research Council at the Institute of Philosophy. Her research focuses on the history of biomedical sciences, science policy and gender and women in biomedicine. Her research projects include: 'How did the Antibiotic Pipeline Run Dry?', Ontologías híbridas: objetos científicos y culturas visuales entre la industria, la clínica y el laboratorio’ and ‘Circulación y reproducción en la Biología contemporánea: epistemología, experiencias y materiales’.
María Jesús López Sánchez-Vizcaíno. Universidad de Córdoba (Spain)
María Jesús López Sánchez-Vizcaíno was the guest lecturer on January 25th and 26th as part of the Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II courses coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. María Jesús is a Professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Córdoba. She has also been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Nottingham, York, Duke, New South Wales (Sydney) and Cape Town (South Africa), and at the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) and the National English Literary Museum (Grahamstown, South Africa). Her research interests include: postcolonial literature in the English language, especially South African literature; British modernism; theories of community; and the relationship between ethics and literature.
February 2024
On February 19th, 20th and 21st, Year 2 GEMMA students participated in a Seminar on the projects EUTERPE and DIGISCREENS, which are connected with the GEMMA master's degree. This activity was part of the Case Studies II and Gender, Art and Literature courses, coordinated by Adelina Sánchez.
During the Seminar, the EUTERPE Project was presented by Professor Adelina Sánchez, PI of the EUTERPE project in Granada and Professo Jasmina Lukic (CEU), director of the project. Besides, Professor Beatriz Revelles explained the methodologies used at the University of Granada on their approach to gender studes and literature. After that, three EUTERPE Doctoral Candidates, Olga Fenol, Seamus Okane y Maria Elena Bertos, presentaron el programa y sus proyectos de investigación.
Moreover, Elvira Aguilera García, technical support of the EUTERPE project at the University of Granada, also participated in the seminar and presented a workshop developped in collaboration with Ángela Harris Sánchez within the Arqus Student Co-Project "IntersectionaLabs: Transgressive Pedagogies, Transnational Literatures, and Cinematic Representation" at the University of Graz (Austria).
Besides, the DIGISCREENS, Identities and Democratic Values on European Screens project was also presented. This is a transdisciplinar international project focused on how streaming as well as films and tv shows contribute to transform social and cultural dinamics in Europe. The project was presented by Adelina Sánchez, one of the PI of the main researchers of the project and Ángela Rivera Izquierdo, postdoctoral researcher.
5th Film Series “Dissident Masculinities"
Between February and April 2024 the GEMMA students participated in the organisation of the V Film Series "Dissident Masculinities" which was held in the Espacio V Centenario of the University of Granada. Organized by the University Research Institute of Women's and Gender Studies, the Equality Unit of the UGR, the Master GEMMA - Erasmus Mundus Marter's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies, and the Men's Network for Equality, with the collaboration of the University Film Club UGR / Aula de Cine "Eugenio Martín" of the University of Granada. The aim of the cycle is to screen fiction and documentary films that explore and invite reflection on issues concerning gender, its representation in the audiovisual world and, more specifically, that show possible points of rupture from hegemonic masculinities. The films screened were, in order: "The last black man in San Francisco" (Joe Talbot, 2019), "Nel mio nme" (Nicolo Basseti, 2022) and Slow (Marija Kavtaradze, 2023). The students coordinated the screenings, introducing and presenting the films and then proposing questions to open up a space for debate and dialogue on the topics addressed by each movie.

Visiting Scholars
Paloma González Marcén. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Paloma González Marcén was the guest lecturer on January 31st and February 1st and 2nd as part of the Género y Arqueología course coordinated by Margarita Sánchez. Paloma is an archaeologist and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Prehistory at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is also co-director of the Centre d'Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria (CEPAP) attached to the UAB. Her research has focused on public archaeology and the theoretical and methodological aspects of archaeological research, especially on the archaeology of women and gender.
Belén Agrela Romero. Universidad de Jaén (Spain)
Belén Agrela was the guest lecturer on January 5th, 6th and 9th as part of the Trabajo Social course coordinated by Amalia Morales. Belén is a lecturer in Social Work at the University of Jaén. Expert in gender, migration and social intervention policies. Coordinator of the Doctorate in Migration Studies at the University of Jaén and member of the Seminar on Women, Science and Society. Moreover, she participates in different master's degrees at several Andalusian universities and she has research experience as a visiting professor at Canadian, Danish, US and UK universities. She has also been director of different international and national projects.
Agnieszka Kościańska. University of Warsaw (Poland)
Agnieszka Kościańska was the guest lecturer on February 8th as part of the course Gender, bodies and women coordinated by Agata Ignaciuk. Agnieszka is an Associate Professor at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw. She has also been a visiting professor at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies in 2021 and 2022. Her research interests include anthropology of gender and sexuality, contemporary religiosity, religious conversion, gender studies, history of sexuality, sexual violence, cultural conditions of sex education, discrimination and racism.
Agostina Invernizzi. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Agostina Invernizzi participated as a guest lecturer and GEMMA alumni (GEMMA Voices) on February 23rd as part of the subjects Gender, Art and Literature and Case Studies II coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Agostina has a degree in Combined Arts (Film and Theatre) from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and is a GEMMA alumni. She is currently doing a PhD in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices at the University of Granada, where she is studying the figuration of affective communities of women in classic cinema in Argentina, Mexico and Spain from feminist, affective and decolonial studies theories.
Marek Wojtaszek. University of Lodz (Poland)
Marek Wojtaszek was the guest lecturer on February 26th and 27th as part of the Case Studies II course coordinated by Adelina Sánchez. Marek is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the University of Lodz, Poland; currently affiliated with the Department of Transatlantic and Media Studies and Women’s Studies Centre. His areas of research are gender, science, technology and environment.
EUTERPE, European Literatures and Gender from a Transnational Perspective, is a Horizon Project funded under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01-01 – MSCA Doctoral Networks 2021). With the objective of creating an innovative PhD training that centers on an interdisciplinary gender approach to knowledge production, EUTERPE materializes as a doctoral programme that brings together gender and transnational perspectives that approach literary and cultural studies along with transnational studies, translation studies, migration studies and European studies.
- Olga Fenoll Martínez. University of Lodz (Poland)
Olga Fenoll Martínez holds a BA in Translation and Interpreting (University of Granada) and an MA in English Literature and Linguistics (University of Granada). She is currently and EUTERPE Doctoral Candidate at the University of Lodz (Poland). In her works, Olga has aimed to display a queer approach through different intra-actions such as contemporary queer poetry, translation studies or located audiovisual cultures from a feminist new-materialist lens. Olga’s PhD project aims to tackle located and nomadic transnational womxn’s art and writings as assemblages that are in-the-making by exploring the plastic potentiality of those works through a diffracted approach guided by onto-epistemological new materialist optics and interferenced logics.
- Séamus O’Kane. University of Granada (Spain)
Séamus O’Kane is an EUTERPE Doctoral Candidate at the Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Granada and his mobility period will take place at the University of Lodz. He holds an MA in Humanities from TU Dublin and he is also a graduate of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Children’s Literature, Media and Culture (CLMC). As part of this programme, he completed an internship researching digital literature for children for the Bibliotheek LocHal, Tilburg, and wrote a thesis on transmedia narratives at Aarhus University. He is currently an EUTERPE Doctoral Candidate at the University of Granada (Spain). His current research continues his interests in digital literature, adaptations and transmedia narratives: “Transnational literatures in the making: dialogues with film, social media, streaming platforms, performative arts and new literary genres”.
- María Elena Bertos Quesada. University of Bologna (Italy)
María Elena Bertos Quesada holds a BA in English Studies and MA in English Literature and Linguistics at the University of Granada and has recently completed the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women and Gender Studies at the University of Granada and Utrecht University. Her MA thesis is entitled “La Malquerida: Encountering Rhizomatic Spectres in the (Re)writing of the Legend of La Llorona” embodies her research interests in gender studies, hauntology and queer time from an interdisciplinary approach. Currently, she is interested in rethinking the specter as a subversive and liminal space where to negotiate and explore rhizomatic identities as well as to build resistance through affective connections resulting from spectral encounters. She is currently an EUTERPE Doctoral Candidate at the University of Bologna (Italy).
- Elvira Aguilera García. University of Granada (Spain)
Elvira Aguilera García is a substitute professor in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of Granada. She has been the technical support for the EUTERPE project in Granada until March 2024. Elvira has a degree in English Philology and a Master's degree in English Literature and Linguistics. She is currently studying the Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies. Regarding her participation in the EUTERPE-Digiscreens seminar, she has worked as a technical assistant of the EUTERPE project and presented the workshop she did together with Angela Harris entitled "Mapping Transdisciplinary Academic Interactions: situated knowledges and trans-actions within research" at the University of Graz in the context of the Arqus Co-Student Project "IntersectionaLabs: Transgressive Pedagogies, Transnational Literatures and Cinematic Representation".
DIGISCREENS, Identities and Democratic Values on European Screens, is an international transdisciplinary project that focuses on how the streaming and films and TV series contribute to transforming social and cultural dynamics in Europe. It is a collaborative project that its led by by Dr. Maud Ceuterick (University of Bergen, Norway), in collaboration with Principal Investigators Dr. Lina Kaminskaitė-Jančorienė (Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania), Prof. Maria Jansson (Orebro University, Sweden), and Prof. Adelina Sánchez (University of Granada, Spain).
- Ángela Rivera Izquierdo. University of Granada (Spain)
Ángela Rivera Izquierdo holds a PhD in Literature and Gender Studies from the University of Granada, Spain. She is currently working as a postdoctoral researcher (DIGISCREENS). Her research focuses on contemporary English-language literature and cultural studies, approached mainly from a gender and affect theory perspective. She is member of the research group HUM592 of the University of Granada and of the R&D projects ResLab and "Democracy, secrecy and dissidence in contemporary literature in English". Her research interests include posthumanism and transhumanism, the representation of neoliberal subjectivity, (post)feminism, masculinities and queer identity in literature, metamodern aesthetics-ethics and the negotiation of democratic values on screen.
March 2024
Activities for 8M International Women's Day
On the occasion of International Women's Day, several activities were organized by the GEMMA Master's Degree.
On 6 March, the conference Entrecruces feministas (Feminist Interweavings) por todas partes took place in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. The conference was organized by Kris García, feminist activist, social worker, anthropologist and GEMMA alumni; Blanca García Peral, activist belonging to the Asamblea Transfeminista Unitaria (ATFU), anthropologist and GEMMA alumni; Jesús Marín, from the Red de Hombres por la Igualdad y la Diversidad, social worker and GEMMA alumni; and María Alonso, from NOS Asociación Andaluza de Gais, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Transexuales and PhD in Women's Studies, discourses and gender practices. Moreover, the talk was presented and moderated by Carmen Gregorio Gil, professor of Anthropology at the UGR and GEMMA teacher.
On the other hand, GEMMA students proposed two activities.
Firstly, on 7 March, a space for conversation, reflection and joint construction was created by organizing a World Café open to the public.The dynamics consisted of 4 tables of conversation, in which the participants rotated and dealt with topics such as: bodies, feminist silences, relational hierarchies and the relationship of the feminist movement with other activisms. In addition, each table had a paper tablecloth on which the ideas and debates that arose during the conversation could be written, and which remained as a result and summary of the activity and of this joint construction.

Secondly, following the tradition of the previous year, on 8 March students organized a banner workshop in preparation for the demonstration on the same day. The aim of the meeting was to collectively build a space for dialogue and preparation for the demonstration, and from there, go to the protest together.
Guided Tours in Granada
On March 12 and 22, as part of the course Género, Raza y Clase en la América colonial, coordinated by professor María Ángeles Gálvez, students attended two guided tours: "El Realejo: Women and History" and "The Granada of Mariana Pineda", organized by the Ayuntamiento of Granada through the European Women's Center Mariana de Pineda. They had the opportunity to reflect on the role of women in the construction of the history of the city of Granada, the value of their work and care work.
Visit to the European Women's Center Mariana de Pineda
On March 13, the students of the subject Documentary Bibliographic Resources for Women's Studies, coordinated by Ana Mª Muñoz, visited the Mariana de Pineda European Women's Center. During the visit they learned about the figure and history of Mariana Pineda, the center's specialized library and the various cultural activities and training courses offered by the center for the women of Granada.
Activities for the 30th anniversary of Cadernos PAGU Journal
Between the 18th and the 21st of March, the International Seminar PAGU 30 years was held in Campinas, São Paulo (Brazil), commemorating the 30th anniversary of Cadernos PAGU Journal, an associate partner of the GEMMA Master, promoted by the Núcleo de Estudo de Gênero PAGO of UNICAMP (Brazil). Among the various panels of discussion that took place, Dr. Adelina Sánchez Espinosa, main coordinator of the GEMMA Consortium, participated in table 7: "Reações aos feminismos". The discussion revolved around the conservative reactions to the advances of rights by social movements (feminism, LGTBIQ+, anti-racist), as well as a reflection on how the category of feminism is mobilized in different scenarios, also taking into account the possibility to produce horizontal content thanks to the advance of new communication technologies.

Adelina's participation included the presentation: "Sorority resistance and affective alliances through transnational feminist networks". Where she reflected about the role that transnational feminist education networks have played and continue to play in the resistance to any attempt to advance ultra-right-wing intolerance in Europe. In addition, she accompanied her presentation with concrete examples of European gender studies networks such as the GEMMA consortium, GRACE, EUTERPE and InterGender.
Visiting scholars
Sara Torres. Universidad de Passau (Germany)
Sara Torres was the guest lecturer on the 6th of March as part of the subject Casos de Estudio I, coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez. Sara is a writer and researcher who has spent the last few years at the University of Passau on an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship. PhD from Queen Mary University of London. Her thesis is entitled: The Lesbian Text: Fetish, Fantasy and Queer Becomings. MA in Critical Methodologies at Kings College London. She has been a professor in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies with a Gender Perspective at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Her work focuses on the analysis of desire, body and discourse through a feminist and interdisciplinary critical apparatus that interweaves psychoanalysis, new materialisms and queer studies. She regularly collaborates with universities, cultural foundations and art centers. In addition, her first book, La otra genealogía (Madrid: Torremozas) won the Premio Nacional de Poesía Gloria Fuertes.
Sergio Fernández. Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
Sergio Fernández was the guest lecturer on the 14th of March as part of the subject Casos de Estudio I, coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez. Sergio is a Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Spanish and Latin American Literature at the University of Salamanca. He holds an International PhD in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature from the University of León with the thesis "Cuerpo y dolor en la creación poética española (2001-2020). A study from phenomenology" ("Body and Pain in the Spanish poetic creation (2001-2020"). He has carried out research stays at the University of Liverpool (2018) and at the Università degli studi di Bergamo (2019). His research interests include current Spanish and Latin American poetry, Catalan literature, gothic literature, body studies and gender studies.

Mª del Carmen Agulló Díaz. Universidad de Valencia (Spain)
Mª del Carmen Agulló was the guest lecturer on March 20th and 21st as part of the subject Transformaciones socioeducativas en la España del siglo XX, coordinated by Victoria Robles. Mª del Carmen is a Professor in Theory and History of Education at the Universidad de Valencia. Moreover, she is a writer and one of the most prestigious researchers in Spain on the history of women's education, especially Republican teachers. She is also well known for her participation in the documentary directed in 2013 by Pilar Pérez Solano, Las Maestras de la República, winner of the Goya award for best documentary film in 2014. Her areas of research include the history of women's education, especially during the Second Republic and the Franco dictatorship, the use of new sources in educational history and the recovery of Valencian historical and educational heritage.
April 2024
Panel Discussion: Investigating Masculinity: Guidelines for Deconstruction from the Perspective of Male Researchers

On 12 April, the panel discussion Researching Masculinity: Guidelines for Deconstruction from the Perspective of Male Researchers was held in the Salón de Grados of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. The event was coordinated and presented by Adelina Sánchez Espinosa, professor and researcher at the University of Granada and Coordinator of the GEMMA Master Consortium. In addition, Gerardo Rodríguez, professor and researcher at the University of Granada and coordinator of the subject Case Studies I of the GEMMA Master, also participated in the event.
Visiting Scholars
Alba Sierra Rodríguez. Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
Alba Sierra Rodríguez was the guest lecturer on 18 and 19 April as part of the subject Socio-Educational Transformations in the 20th century in Spain, coordinated by Victoria Robles. Alba is a contracted PhD holder in the area of Theory and History of Education in the Department of Educational Sciences at UNEX. She began her teaching and research career at the University of Granada, where she completed her PhD in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices thanks to one of the prestigious pre-doctoral grants from the Fundación la Caixa (2017-2020). Since 2020 she has been working at the University of Extremadura where she is part of the research group "EduTransforma-T", while she continues working with the research group "OTRAS Perspectivas Feministas en la Investigación Social" at the UGR. Alba has three main lines of research within feminist and gender studies: 1) migration and human trafficking; b) socio-educational action; 3) care, with special attention to university students and the social intervention sector.
May 2024
EUTERPE SPRING SCHOOL. University of Lodz, Poland.
Between the 10th and 17th of May 2024, the EUTERPE Spring School took place at the University of Lodz, Poland. The programme, which focused on Translations, included various workshops, seminars, lectures and presentations. Among the activities, it is worth mentioning the collaboration of the GEMMA consortium with the participation of Prof. Chandra Mohanty and Prof. Frances Negrón-Muntaner, both members of the GEMMA Expert Board.
Prof. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Distinguished Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Professor and Dean of Humanities at Syracuse University, presented: Borders, Bridges, Solidarities: Translating Transnational Feminist Praxis.
Meanwhile, Prof. Frances Negrón-Muntaner, filmmaker, writer, academic and lecturer at Columbia University, was invited thanks to the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for Visiting Professors. Her lecture was entitled Translating Yoani: or, how a young woman in a country ruled by old men with near zero internet became the world's most famous blogger.
Besides, in the framework of her Erasmus Mundus visit to the University of Lodz, on May 16th, Prof. Frances Negrón gave a second talk in conversation with Professor Malgorzata Ossowska-Czader titled "Columbia University and the end of US Liberal Education which could be a new beginning", focused on students mobilisations at Columbia University over the last months and attracted over 100 attendants.
A robust conversation followed exploring key concepts, the current historical moment in the United States, and the present and future of higher Education.

Participation of the GEMMA Main Coordinator Prof. Adelina Sánchez in the Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Conference, Brussels (Belgium)
The GEMMA Main Coordinator Professor Adelina Sánchez Espinosa attended the Erasmus Mundus 20th Anniversary Conference “Beyond borders and boundaries” that was held in Brussels on 27-28 May 2024. This conference gathered students, alumni, higher education institutions, and policymakers to celebrate 20 years of Erasmus Mundus and contemplate its future direction. Erasmus Mundus has significantly boosted global educational exchange and collaboration in Europe. Launched in 2004 as an independent programme, it has since become an integral part of the international dimension of Erasmus+, aiming to enhance the appeal and excellence of European higher education and attract talents to Europe.
The GEMMA Master’s degree, which has been an Erasmus Mundus programme since 2007, was also present in the event with a poster in which information and statistics about the programme were presented to the Erasmus Mundus community. This poster has also been shared in the Erasmus Network Platform.
Visiting Scholars
María José Alonso Vidal. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
María José Alonso was the guest lecturer on the 8th of May as part of the course Perspectivas Feministas en Antropología Social coordinated by Carmen Gregorio, María Espinosa and Ana Alcázar. María José is a professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Services at the University of Granada. She has a PhD in Anthropology and Social Work, her thesis was entitled: "¿No irá a hacer una tesis sobre sus amigas?". Relaciones de género en las parejas de lesbianas (2018). She is also part of the Research Group "Others", Feminist Perspectives in Social Research. Her lines of research include: feminist and decolonial epistemologies; feminist ethnography; feminist, queer, lgtb and transfeminist activisms and mobilisations; social organization of care and life support; and feminist ecology.
María Victoria Fernández Sánchez. Universidad de Granada (Spain)
María Victoria Fernández was the guest lecturer on the 9th May as part of the course Perspectivas Feministas en Antropología Social coordinated by Carmen Gregorio, María Espinosa and Ana Alcázar. She recently presented her thesis, completing her PhD in Women's Studies, Discourses and Gender Practices at the University of Granada. Moreover, she is a member of the Research Group “Otras”. Perspectivas Feministas en Investigación Social at the University of Granada, where she is involved in the Depathologisation of affective-sexual, bodily and gender diversity line of investigation.
Ángelo Néstore. Universidad de Málaga (Spain)
Ángelo Néstore was the guest lecturer on 16 May as part of the subject Case Studies I, coordinated by Gerardo Rodríguez. Ángelo is dedicated to poetry, performing arts and academic research. They is a professor at the University of Málaga in the Department of Traducción e Interpretación. They currently co-directs the Malaga International Poetry Festival Irreconciliables and is director of the poetry publishing house Letraversal. Their work, which consists of various publications, revolves around the poetic, understood as a territory in which poetry is hybridized with disciplines such as music, performance and the performing arts.

June 2024
Visiting scholars
Carolina Fernández. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Carolina Fernández was the guest lecturer on the 6th of June as part of the course Enfoques Feministas en el Análisis del Discurso coordinated by Ana Gallego. Carolina is a Professor in the area of Spanish Literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has previously worked as an editor at various publishing houses, and as a documentalist and cataloguer at the National Library of Spain. She has also worked as lecturer at the Universidad de Burgos and as visiting researcher at the Universidad de Las Palmas, Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts) and the Universidad de La Habana. Her research focuses on Spanish narrative, theater and music from the second half of the 19th century to the present day from the perspective of social history, literary sociology and gender studies.
Marta Ortiz Canseco. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
Marta Ortíz was the guest lecturer on the 10th of June as part of the course Enfoques Feministas en el Análisis del Discurso coordinated by Ana Gallego. Marta is a lecturer in the area of Spanish-American Literature at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Previously, she has worked as Associate Professor at the University of Alcalá and as Adjunct Professor at the International University of La Rioja. She has been the coordinator of the Official Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Spanish and Latin American Literature at the University of Barcelona. Moreover, between 2007 and 2017 she carried out research stays in prestigious foreign centers (Lima, Paris, London, Berlin).
Ruth Behar. University of Michigan (US)
Ruth Behar was an Erasmus Mundus visiting scholar on the 27th of June as part of the course Perspectivas Feministas en Antropología Social coordinated by Carmen Gregorio, María Espinosa and Ana Alcázar. Ruth is a Victor Haim Perera Collegiate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Michigan. She has worked as an ethnographer in Spain, Mexico and Cuba, and is known for her humanistic approach to understanding identity, immigration and the search for home in our global age. Furthermore, she is the author of essays, poetry and fiction focusing on women and feminism. Her publications include, among others; "The Vulnerable Observer: Heartbreaking Anthropology" (1996), "An Island Called Home: Returning to Jewish Cuba" (2007), and "Lucky Broken Girl" (2017), for which she was awarded the 2018 Pura Belpré Prize.