Patrick Zaki: three years awaiting trial
Yesterday at the town hall of Bologna an event was organized to commemorate the third anniversary of the arrest of Patrick Zaki.
Yesterday at the town hall of Bologna an event was organized to commemorate the third anniversary of the arrest of Patrick Zaki.
EUTERPE, which is funded under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, brings together research, training, and open access publications in interdisciplinary, transnational, gender focused literary studies. Nine early-stage-researchers (ESRs) will be trained and supervised.
The call for applications for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship (Partner country studients) for the next edition of GEMMA (17th edition, 2023-2025) is now CLOSED.
Dr. Dresda Emma Méndez De La Brena has been awarded with the Best PhD in Equality Matters for her PhD titled “Corpomaterialidades del dolor. Análisis de experiencias de mujeres con fibromialgia”, supervised by Dr. Rosa Medina Domenech, who has collected the award for her.
Orianna Calderón Sandoval has been awarded with 2018-2019 Extraordinary Doctoral Prize for her PhD “Visualising In/Equalities through Contemporary Documentary Cinema. A Diffractive Reading of Feminist Practices in Spanish and Italian Non-Fiction Films”
The call for applications for the Erasmus Mundus scholarships for third country /partner country students (16th edition, 2022-2024) is CLOSED. Results will be announced by email in April 2022.
Access to the document for the submission of the master's thesis for the academic year 2021-2022
Official Statement of the GEMMA Consortium regarding Patrick Zaki's release from prison last Wednesday December 8, 2021
Official Statement of the GEMMA Consortium condemning our student Patrick Zaki's arrest since last Friday 7th of February in Egypt
Statement by Mr. Francesco Ubertini, Rector of the University of Bologna, and all the academic authorities of the University of Bologna in support of our student Patrick Zaki