Activities and Experiences
- Activities 2024-2025
- Activities 2023-2024
- Activities 2022-2023
- Activities 2021-2022
- Activities 2020-2021
- Activities 2019-2020
- Activities 2018-2019
- Activities 2017-2018
- Activities 2016-2017
- Activities 2015-2016
- Activities 2014-2015
- Activities 2013-2014
- Activities 2012-2013
- Activities 2011-2012
- Activities 2010-2011
- Activities 2009-2010
- Activities 2007-2008
GEMMA students activities
- Feminism in London Conference - October 2014
- Gendering Happiness Conference at the University of Hull - November 2014
- Gemma2's Blog by GEMMA students (pdf)
- Meeting and Debate about Feminist Agenda (pdf)
- Women in Cinema (pdf)
- Other activities Chiapas (pdf), Noise (pdf)
- Conference: Susan Stanford Friedman at Granada - May 2015
- Trip to Madrid - April 2015
NOI♀SE Summer School
An International Summer School is organised every year by The Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies, University of Utrecht and is offered to GEMMA students as a complement to their formation. This advanced programme represents a unique opportunity for participants to develop their research interests by sharing and learning with colleagues in an international context:
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2024 (Deadline: April 30, 2024)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2023
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands/Online, 2021 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2019 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2018 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2017 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2016 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2015
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2014
- NOI♀SE Utrecht,the Netherlands 2013 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands.2013 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands.2012 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Breukelen, the Netherlands.2011 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Granada, Spain.2010 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands.2009 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Utrecht, the Netherlands.2008 (pdf)
- NOI♀SE Bologna, Italy.2007 (pdf)
- First GEMMA Graduation Ceremony
- Second GEMMA Graduation Ceremony (jpg)
- Third GEMMA Graduation Ceremony
Experiences of success
Erasmus Mundus alumni
Tell us your success stories.
GEMMA`s Coordination would love to know about the achievements of GEMMA students.
Found a new dream-job? Got accepted into a prestigious PhD programme? Your essay was published in a famous journal?
Share your experiences with the GEMMA community! Just send us a few lines telling about your accomplishments and you will become a success face of GEMMA. Your success is a motivation to all gemma students and a source of pride for our gemma team.
Thank you for sharing!
- Carmen Ruíz, Spain
- Kate Alyzon Ramil, Philippines
- Violet Barasa, Kenya
- Hjálmar Sigmarsson, Iceland
- Monika Glosowitz, Poland
TALENTIA scholarships
Amongst GEMMA graduates there are 6 holders of the prestigious Andalusian government Talentia scholarships who are assisted with a work placement in the regional institutions for the next 4 years upon graduation (two of these have just recently become PhD research fellows at UGR, another one is working at the Andalusian Institute for Equal Opportunities, another one is employed by University of Cádiz, one is employed by the International Relations Office of the University of Granada, and the sixth one has started her own feminist text editing house.
Publication of a book with the participation of GEMMA alumni
The book "A mí me sacaron volada de allá". Relatos de vida de mujeres trans desplazadas forzosamente hacia Bogotá presents the results of the research carried out by the Interdisciplinary Group of Gender Studies - GIEG, of the National University of Colombia, within the framework of the Academic Research Programme - 2011, of the Bogotá Archive Directorate.
This research is a contribution to the historical memory of the country and Bogotá from the voices of 10 trans women victims of the Colombian armed conflict, who have been forcibly displaced from their places of origin, settling in the country's capital. This book opens up a line of research that has been little explored in the Colombian context: the intersection between non-normative gender identities and the armed conflict, and allows us to get closer to other voices - generally silenced - of what war means.
Book " A mi me sacaron volada de allá (Spanish) (pdf)
- Susan Herrera Galvis
- Lina Tatiana Lozano Ruiz (alumna egresada de la 2ª edición del GEMMA, 2008-2010)
- Ana María Ortiz Gómez
- Nancy Prada Prada